• Plasmid Mini Purification Protocol(质粒纯化)

    This protocol is for Mini (up to 20 µg) preparations of high-copy plasmid DNA from cultures of E. coli . Important notes before starting N
  • 植物基因组的快速提取

    Use from 0.01 - 0.1 gram plant material. Grind the plant material with liq. N2 in a mortar. We normally use some alumina to crush hard tiss
  • 小鼠肝基因组DNA制备

    原理 DNA 以核蛋白形式存在于细胞核中,制备 DNA 的原则是既要将 DNA 与蛋白质、脂类和糖类等分离,又要保持 DNA 分子的完整。蛋白酶K 及链霉蛋白酶 E 的应用使这两个原则得到了保证。 蛋白酶K 或链霉蛋白酶 E 均为广谱蛋白酶,其重要特性是能在 SDS 和 ED
  • 土壤总DNA的几种提取方法

    SDS 高盐法(方案1)   具体步骤: 称取1g 土壤,放入研钵中,倒入适量的液氮,立即研磨;再倒入适量的液氮,研磨,重复3 次,使土壤颗粒研成粉末; 将13.5 ml 提取缓冲液(0.1 mol/L磷酸盐[pH = 8.0 ] ,0.1 mol/L EDTA [pH 8
  • 胚体细胞培养落叶松线粒体的DNA提取

    Mitochondrial DNA Isolation from Somatic Embryogenic Cell Cultures of Larix (Excerpt from Thesis). Mitochondrial DNA is isolated by a modif
  • 核酸的浓缩精制

    (adapted from Bruce A. Roe, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 broe@ou.edu) Typic
  • DNA Purification from Agarose Gels

    1. Separate DNA fragments in an agarose gel cast with 0.5 mg/ml Ethidium bromide. Locate bands with a hand-held long-wave UV lamp. 2. Slice
  • 石蜡包埋组织的DNA提取及其应用

    近10年来,现代分子生物学技术越来越广泛地被用于人类疾病研究的诸领域,为了解病理状态下基因组DNA 的变化积累了新资料。目前认为,人类基因组并非人们想像的那样稳定,诸如基因重排、扩增、缺失,突变和DNA 甲基化类型改变等时有发生,这些改变对于基因表达和调控,以及疾病过程的发展与转
  • DNA Preparation from Cell Lines, High Salt Method

    Section of Cancer Genomics, Genetics Branch, NCI National Institutes of Health Reagents EDTA Ethanol, absolute Isopropanol Phosphate B
  • 详细BAC DNA Isolation

    A. Culture Growth: 1.For BAC isolation for shotgun library construction: Pick a smear of colonies and inoculate 3 ml TB medium containing