• 煮沸法(boiling method)快速提取质粒以及琼脂糖电泳与DNA酶解

    一. 实验目的: 1、 掌握质粒 DNA 分离,纯化的原理 2、 学习煮沸法快速提取质粒 DNA 的方法 3、 学习 DNA的限制性酶切的基本技术 4 、 学习利用琼脂糖电泳测定 DNA片段的长度 二、 实验原理 在基因工程中, DNA 分子的切割是由限制性内切酶来完
  • 英文protocol:血液DNA的提取

    Part A: Purifying nuclear pellets. 1) Add 50-60μl fresh, packed red blood cells (RBC) to 700μl PBS. Mix by inversion. 2) Add 700-800μl Lys
  • Electro-elution of nucleic acids from agarose and polyacryla

    Principle The nucleic acids contained within the gel slice are electrophoresed out of the gel, funneled down into the v-shaped channel and
  • C.Elegans基因组DNA的制备protocol

    Preparation of C. elegans Genomic DNA Protocol by Andy Fires Lab Modified my Min-Ho Lee and Sudhir Nayak This protocol is based on the or
  • 碱变性法(alkaline denaturation)提取质粒DNA

    【基本原理】 普遍采用的碱变性法具有操作简便、快速、得率高的优点。其主要原理是,利用染色体DNA与质粒DNA的变性与复性的差异而达到分离目的。在碱变性条件下(pH 12.6),染色体DNA的氢键断裂,双螺旋结构解开而变性,质粒DNA氢键也大部分断裂,双螺旋也有部分解开,但共价闭
  • OLIGO PURIFICATION on acrylamide gels

    GEL PURIFICATION OF OLIGONUCLEOTIDES (Adapted from the method of Mark Fortini) 1. Quantitate crude oligo solution via UV spectrophotometry
  • DNA Purification from Gels

    1.Remove gel slice contain DNA fragment and place in 10 volumes of: 300 mM NaOAc,pH 7.0 300 ml 1 M NaOAC,pH 7.0 1 mM EDTA 2 ml 500 mM EDTA
  • Plant Total DNA Isolation

    Overview Procedure 1. Preheat the CTAB Isolation Buffer at 60℃. 2. Grind 2 g of fresh, leaf tissue to a powder in Liquid Nitrogen in a ch
  • 骨、牙组织模板DNA提取:Glass milk改良法

    1 主要配制试剂 1)0.5M Na2EDTA PH8.0 2) Proeinase K(20 μg/μl) 3)6M GuSCN 10ml GuSCN 7.2g 加D·W至10ml 水浴60℃~65℃溶解 4) 二氧化硅悬浮液(Silica susponsion、
  • 碱裂解法分离质粒DNA(Plasmid DNA Isolation, Alkaline Lysis)

    Reagents: Soln 1: 50 mM glucose/10 mM EDTA/25 mM Tris pH 8. Autoclave before use. Add 2 mg/ml Lysozyme just prior to use. Soln 2: 0.2 N Na