• Southern Blot Protocol

    Day 1 1. Digest DNA for 6 hours (or overnight) BSA 10 mg/ml 0.5 22.65 ul of 10 ug Genomic DNA RnaseA 10mg/ml 0.1
  • Southern Blot

    1. Run gel (0.8 -1.0% agarose is best). For yeast chromosomal Southerns, digest 20 μg DNA. Use 50 ml minigel for most purposes. Photograph g
  • Fill-in Labeling of DNA Fragments

    This protocol was designed to generate directionally end-labeled probes for DNaseI footprinting but it can be used for any application that
  • Genomic DNA Labeling Protocol

    We typically use 0.5ug of E. coli genomic DNA in a labeling reaction for each hybridization. The genomic DNA was fragmented to 500 to 1000bp
  • Protocol for Annealing Oligonucleotides

    Protocol for Annealing OligonucleotidesOligo Name: Lot Number: Total nmol: Volume of Annealing Buffer added: Oligo Name: Lot Number: T
  • Random Primer DNA labeling

    DESCRIPTION Labeling of DNA by random oligonucleotide-primed synthesis is based on the investigations of A.Feinberg and B.Vogelstein [1, 2]
  • Labeling oligonucleotides with 32P ATP

    Wear gloves throughout and work in radiation area.Monitor area before and after use. Mix the following in an eppendorf tube: 1、0.5 microgr
  • Gel Shift Assay Systems

    The gel shift, or electrophoretic mobility shift, assay provides a simple and rapid method for detecting DNA -binding proteins. This method
  • DNA labeling by nick translation

    reagents: DNA for labeling (concentration c > 150 ng/µl) modified nucleotides: Biotin-16-dUTP, Digoxigenin-11-dUTP, conc. 1nmol/µl (Boehri
  • Southern Analysis

    Southern Analysis Procedure (for analysis of genomic DNA or ordering of clones): 1) Prepare genomic DNA (ref.p.9.22, Maniatis) from cultur