• Nature:雄性和雌性对信息素反应之间的差别

    雄性和雌性行为之间的先天差别一定是写在他们各自基因组中的,但这些差别是怎样编码截然不同的神经通道的在很大程度上仍然不清楚。通过专注于对果蝇cVA信息素的性别特异反应,Richard Axel及其同事现在识别出了由将嗅觉信号携带到运动中枢的四个连续神经元所组成的一个链条,其中雄性-
  • ??????????????????

    The latest issue of the journal Cell* carries an article that is likely to help solve one of the long-standing mysteries of biomedicine.
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    NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – A genetic study published in the New England Journal of Medicine today supports the notion that wild armadillos
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    A clinical trial has sifted out the most effective single-drug chemotherapy regimen for quick-growing but highly curable cancers that ar
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    Patients with HIV infection without a prior history of coronary heart disease may be at a higher risk of developing heart failure, accordin
  • 蠕虫研究为人类癌症的治疗带来曙光

    MADISON -- Research in the worm is shedding light on a protein associated with a number of different human cancers, and may point to a h
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    Bloodstream infections in newborns can lead to serious complications with substantial morbidity and mortality. What's more, the pathogens
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    NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The National Institute on Drug Abuse intends to fund research that uses systems biology and multi-disciplina
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    By shedding new light on how cells migrate in the developing brain, researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center also may have