
2010-02-23 20:37 · fox

景润春,黄青阳,朱英国 (武汉大学发育生物学研究中心 武汉大学遗传研究所,武汉 430072) 摘 要:本文综述图位克隆技术的 理及基本技术环节,并与其它基因克隆技术相比较说明图位克隆技术的优缺点。本文还对近年来图位克隆技术在分离不同的植物发育基因上的广泛应用进行了简要概述,


(武汉大学发育生物学研究中心 武汉大学遗传研究所,武汉 430072)

摘 要:本文综述图位克隆技术的 理及基本技术环节,并与其它基因克隆技术相比较说明图位克隆技术的优缺点。本文还对近年来图位克隆技术在分离不同的植物发育基因上的广泛应用进行了简要概述,并对其应用前景和近期的进展进行展望。


The Application of Map-based Gene Cloning Method on Isolating Genes of Plants

JING RunQchun,HUANG QingQyang,ZHU YingQguo

( Center of Developmental Biology and Institute of Genetics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072,China)

Abstract: In this review, the principle and basis steps of mapQbased gene cloning on plant were introduced in deQ tail.At the same time,the advantages and disadvantage of the method were evaluated as compared with the other methods.The extensive application of the mapQbased gene cloning method on cloning genes of different plants in the past was also summarized in brief.The prospect and the expected progress in several years were proposed in this paper.

Key words: map-based gene cloning;gene mapping;physical map;comprative mapping


现在,分离和克隆发育相关基因的方法有很多,如传统的功能克隆(functional cloning), 即根据纯化的已知基因的产物推算其相应的核苷酸序列,再据此序列合成寡聚核苷酸探针从 cDNA 文库或基因组文库中钓取目的基因。另外,还有近年来发展十分迅速的表型克隆(phonetypical cloning)〔1 〕, 例如差别筛选法(differential screening)〔2 〕、扣除杂交技术(subtractive hybridization)〔3 〕、mRNA 差异显示技术(mRNA differential display reverse transcriptionQPCR, DDRTQPCR)〔4 〕、 代 表 性 差 示 分 析(representational difference analysis, RAD)〔5 〕、抑制性扣除杂交(suppression subtractive hybridization,SSH)〔6 〕等。表型克隆技术都普遍存在着依赖于 PCR 技术、重复性较差、假阳性率高、对实验材料要求较高、材料间不能存在过多的差异、结果不便确证等缺点。而且,大多数情况下,我们并不知道基因的表达产物,在未知基因的功能信息又无适宜的相对表型用于表型克隆时,最常用的基因克隆技术有图位克隆(map-based gene)
