Genotyping using Affymetrix arrays

2010-03-07 22:19 · alice

Sample DNAs should not be highly degraded nor contain PCR inhibitors, such as high concentrations of heme or chelating agents. For each indi

Sample DNAs should not be highly degraded nor contain PCR inhibitors, such as high concentrations of heme or chelating agents. For each individual assayed, 250 ng of genomic DNA are digested separately with 10 U of XbaI or HindIII (New England BioLabs) in volumes of 20 µL for 2 hours at 37 °C. Following heat inactivation at 70 °C for 20 minutes, 0.25 µM of XbaI adaptor (5’-ATT ATG AGC ACG ACA GAC GCC TGA TCT-3’ and 5’phosphate
