
2010-04-23 00:00 · Aaron

海洋中浮游植物的固碳能力在全球碳循环中起着关键作用,但却未被科学家充分了解。最近英国科学家研究表明,真核浮游植物的固碳能力可和众所周知的蓝绿藻类原核生物相媲美,其固碳总量接近海洋浮游植物固碳总量的一半。 过去一直认为,在大部分海洋表面透光区都可见的蓝绿藻主宰着海洋的固碳领域,其固



在发表于4月15日的《国际微生物生态学协会杂志》(The ISME Journal)上的一篇论文中,英国华威大学和国家海洋中心的科学家解释了他们是如何利用采自东北大西洋热带、亚热带海域的海水样本,来测量浮游植物的碳固定能力的。他们发现,海洋中的真核浮游植物尽管在数量方面低于蓝绿藻,但其固碳能力却一点也不低,其固碳量约占海洋浮游植物固碳总量的44%。国家海洋中心的米哈伊尔祖布科夫教授说:“这可能是因为真核浮游植物的细胞比蓝绿藻的大的缘故,使得它们能够吸收更多的碳”。






The ISME Journal advance online publication, 15 April 2010; doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.36

Significant CO2 fixation by small prymnesiophytes in the subtropical and tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean

Ludwig Jardillier1,3, Mikhail V Zubkov2, John Pearman1 and David J Scanlan1


Global estimates indicate the oceans are responsible for approximately half of the carbon dioxide fixed on Earth. Organisms 5 μm in size dominate open ocean phytoplankton communities in terms of abundance and CO2 fixation, with the cyanobacterial genera Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus numerically the most abundant and more extensively studied compared with small eukaryotes. However, the contribution of specific taxonomic groups to marine CO2 fixation is still poorly known. In this study, we show that among the phytoplankton, small eukaryotes contribute significantly to CO2 fixation (44%) because of their larger cell volume and thereby higher cell-specific CO2 fixation rates. Within the eukaryotes, two groups, herein called Euk-A and Euk-B, were distinguished based on their flow cytometric signature. Euk-A, the most abundant group, contained cells 1.8±0.1 μm in size while Euk-B was the least abundant but cells were larger (2.8±0.2 μm). The Euk-B group comprising prymnesiophytes (73±13%) belonging largely to lineages with no close cultured counterparts accounted for up to 38% of the total primary production in the subtropical and tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean, suggesting a key role of this group in oceanic CO2 fixation.

Keywords: CO2 fixation; primary production; prymnesiophytes; chrysophytes
