加州大学圣巴巴拉分校生态、进化和海洋生物学Todd Oakley教授共同撰写了关于水螅——一种淡水珊瑚虫——遗传行为的论文。像水母、海葵和珊瑚一样,水螅也属于肠腔动物,靠刺细胞捕食。水螅的触须含有有毒的刺细胞,在进食前用其击晕诸如水蚤、浮游生物等猎物。它们还使用刺细胞执行自卫和移动的功能。
Oakley 称:“我们不能称之为视觉,因为据我们所知水螅处理的信息停留在光线层面,而视力要比这复杂得多,不过,我们研究的这类基因是视力形成的重要因素。作为遗传学家,我们能看到:‘光感受作用除了促进视力外还能执行一些意想不到的功能。’半只眼有什么好处?即便没有眼睛,感光功能还是存在的,或许我们还没有认识到这一点。”
Cnidocyte discharge is regulated by light and opsin-mediated phototransduction
David C Plachetzki, Caitlin R Fong and Todd H Oakley
Cnidocytes, the eponymous cell type of the Cnidaria, facilitate both sensory and secretory functions and are among the most complex animal cell types known. In addition to their structural complexity, cnidocytes display complex sensory attributes, integrating both chemical and mechanical cues from the environment into their discharge behavior. Despite more than a century of work aimed at understanding the sensory biology of cnidocytes, the specific sensory receptor genes that regulate their function remain unknown.
Here we report that light also regulates cnidocyte function. We show that non-cnidocyte neurons located in battery complexes of the freshwater polyp Hydra magnipapillata specifically express opsin, cyclic nucleotide gated (CNG) ion channel and arrestin, which are all known components of bilaterian phototransduction cascades. We infer from behavioral trials that different light intensities elicit significant effects on cnidocyte discharge propensity. Harpoon-like stenotele cnidocytes show a pronounced diminution of discharge behavior under bright light conditions as compared to dim light. Further, we show that suppression of firing by bright light is ablated by cis-diltiazem, a specific inhibitor of CNG ion channels.
Our results implicate an ancient opsin-mediated phototransduction pathway and a previously unknown layer of sensory complexity in the control of cnidocyte discharge. These findings also suggest a molecular mechanism for the regulation of other cnidarian behaviors that involve both photosensitivity and cnidocyte function, including diurnal feeding repertoires and/or substrate based locomotion. More broadly, our findings highlight one novel, non-visual function for opsin-mediated phototransduction in a cnidarian, the origins of which might have preceded the evolution of cnidarian eyes.