
2010-03-24 00:00 · Adrian

美国科学家发现,关闭了耳朵遭受重创的小鼠的p21基因后,小鼠能够重新长出耳朵。研究人员表示,该方法可能也适用于人类,或许某一天,人类也能够实现断肢再生。相关研究发表于最新一期的美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上。 美国费城威斯达研究所的研究人员表示,他们很早就知道,p21基因对







Published online before print March 15, 2010, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1000830107

Lack of p21 expression links cell cycle control and appendage regeneration in mice

Khamilia Bedelbaevaa,1, Andrew Snydera,1,2, Dmitri Gourevitcha, Lise Clarka, Xiang-Ming Zhanga, John Leferovicha, James M. Cheverudb, Paul Liebermana, and Ellen Heber-Katza,3


Animals capable of regenerating multiple tissue types, organs, and appendages after injury are common yet sporadic and include some sponge, hydra, planarian, and salamander (i.e., newt and axolotl) species, but notably such regenerative capacity is rare in mammals. The adult MRL mouse strain is a rare exception to the rule that mammals do not regenerate appendage tissue. Certain commonalities, such as blastema formation and basement membrane breakdown at the wound site, suggest that MRL mice may share other features with classical regenerators. As reported here, MRL fibroblast-like cells have a distinct cell-cycle (G2/M accumulation) phenotype and a heightened basal and wound site DNA damage/repair response that is also common to classical regenerators and mammalian embryonic stem cells. Additionally, a neutral and alkaline comet assay displayed a persistent level of intrinsic DNA damage in cells derived from the MRL mouse. Similar to mouse ES cells, the p53-target p21 was not expressed in MRL ear fibroblasts. Because the p53/p21 axis plays a central role in the DNA damage response and cell cycle control, we directly tested the hypothesis that p21 down-regulation could functionally induce a regenerative response in an appendage of an otherwise nonregenerating mouse strain. Using the ear hole closure phenotype, a genetically mapped and reliable quantitative indicator of regeneration in the MRL mouse, we show that the unrelated Cdkn1atmi/Tyj/J p21/ mouse (unlike the B6129SF2/J WT control) closes ear holes similar to MRL mice, providing a firm link between cell cycle checkpoint control and tissue regeneration.
