
2012-03-08 07:00 · sunshiner



中国科学院北京基因组研究所基因组科学与信息重点实验室“百人计划”章张研究员,带领其团队成功开发出“编码蛋白质DNA序列并行比对工具—ParaAT(Parallel Alignment and back-Translation)”。该研究成果发表在Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 期刊上。





A parallel tool for constructing multiple protein-coding DNA alignments

Zhang Zhanga, Jingfa Xiaoa, Jiayan Wua, Haiyan Zhangb, Guiming Liua, Xumin Wanga, Lin Dai

Constructing multiple homologous alignments for protein-coding DNA sequences is crucial for a variety of bioinformatic analyses but remains computationally challenging. With the growing amount of sequence data available and the ongoing efforts largely dependent on protein-coding DNA alignments, there is an increasing demand for a tool that can process a large number of homologous groups and generate multiple protein-coding DNA alignments. Here we present a parallel tool – ParaAT that is capable of parallelly constructing multiple protein-coding DNA alignments for a large number of homologs. As testified on empirical datasets, ParaAT is well suited for large-scale data analysis in the high-throughput era, providing good scalability and exhibiting high parallel efficiency for computationally demanding tasks. ParaAT is freely available for academic use only at


关键词: 工具 比对 序列 DNA