Science TM:心脏干细胞疗法面临的挑战

2010-04-16 00:00 · vito

干细胞由于具有无与伦比的再生能力而成为目前生命科学和医学的研究热点,多种疾病都寄希望于干细胞疗法上,期待某天能成功修复脏器治愈疾病。其中,心脏病方面的研究颇多,在整个干细胞治疗领域中,约有1/3是研究心脏病的干细胞疗法的。 巴西圣保罗大学心脏研究所,荷兰Leiden大学医学中心解


巴西圣保罗大学心脏研究所,荷兰Leiden大学医学中心解剖与胚胎学系的科学家在干细胞治疗研究方面有新的看法,相关成果文章Challenges in Using Stem Cells for Cardiac Repair公布在最新一期的Science Translational Medicine上。







Sci Transl Med DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3000558

Challenges in Using Stem Cells for Cardiac Repair

Christine L. Mummery1,*, Richard P. Davis1 and Jose E. Krieger2

Of the many diseases discussed in the context of stem cell therapy, those concerning the heart account for almost one-third of the publications in the field. However, the long-term clinical outcomes have been disappointing, in part because of preclinical studies failing to optimize the timing, number, type, and method of cell delivery and to account for shape changes that the heart undergoes during failure. In situations in which cardiomyocytes have been used in cell therapy, their alignment and integration with host tissue have not been realized. Here we review the present status of direct delivery of stem cells or their derivative cardiomyocytes to the heart and the particular challenges each cell type brings, and consider where we should go from here.
