近日来自加州大学伯克利分校和葡萄牙未知技术研究中心(Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown)的神经科学家们在新研究中证实大脑远比我们原先想象的更具灵活性和可训练性。经过一个称为可塑性的过程,大脑的部分区域可被训练完成正常情况下无法执行的任务。这一研究发现为研发出思维控制的假肢装置帮助脊髓损伤、截肢和其他病损的患者开启了大门。相关研究论文于3月4日在线发表在Nature杂志上。
加州大学伯克利分校电子工程学、认知科学和神经科学副教授Jose Carmena说:“我们希望我们对于大脑线路的新见解将能够推动开发出在感知上尽可能接近我们四肢的更好的具有更广泛用途的假肢设备。新发现借助学习控制BMI(脑机接口)揭示了抽象技能学习过程中利用的一种大脑固有环路。”
Corticostriatal plasticity is necessary for learning intentional neuroprosthetic skills
Aaron C. Koralek, Xin Jin, John D. Long II, Rui M. Costa & Jose M. Carmena
The ability to learn new skills and perfect them with practice applies not only to physical skills but also to abstract skills1, like motor planning or neuroprosthetic actions. Although plasticity in corticostriatal circuits has been implicated in learning physical skills2, 3, 4, it remains unclear if similar circuits or processes are required for abstract skill learning. Here we use a novel behavioural task in rodents to investigate the role of corticostriatal plasticity in abstract skill learning. Rodents learned to control the pitch of an auditory cursor to reach one of two targets by modulating activity in primary motor cortex irrespective of physical movement. Degradation of the relation between action and outcome, as well as sensory-specific devaluation and omission tests, demonstrate that these learned neuroprosthetic actions are intentional and goal-directed, rather than habitual. Striatal neurons change their activity with learning, with more neurons modulating their activity in relation to target-reaching as learning progresses. Concomitantly, strong relations between the activity of neurons in motor cortex and the striatum emerge. Specific deletion of striatal NMDA receptors impairs the development of this corticostriatal plasticity, and disrupts the ability to learn neuroprosthetic skills. These results suggest that corticostriatal plasticity is necessary for abstract skill learning, and that neuroprosthetic movements capitalize on the neural circuitry involved in natural motor learning.