
2010-04-01 00:00 · Aries

日本东京大学的研究人员首次开发出了利用超小球形碳分子C60(富勒烯)导入基因的新技术。该技术有望为糖尿病患者带来福音。 C60是60个碳原子结合在一起形成的直径不足1纳米的球状微小粒子。东京大学副教授野入英世和教授中村荣一率领的研究小组让C60携带4个氨基,制造出了水溶性C60,








PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.0909223107

In vivo gene delivery by cationic tetraamino fullerene

Rui Maeda-Mamiyaa,b, Eisei Noirib,1, Hiroyuki Isobec, Waka Nakanishic, Koji Okamotob, Kent Doib, Takeshi Sugayad, Tetsuro Izumie, Tatsuya Hommaa, and Eiichi Nakamuraa,1

Application of nanotechnology to medical biology has brought remarkable success. Water-soluble fullerenes are molecules with great potential for biological use because they can endow unique characteristics of amphipathic property and form a self-assembled structure by chemical modification. Effective gene delivery in vitro with tetra(piperazino)fullerene epoxide (TPFE) and its superiority to Lipofectin have been described in a previous report. For this study, we evaluated the efficacy of in vivo gene delivery by TPFE. Delivery of enhanced green fluorescent protein gene (EGFP) by TPFE on pregnant female ICR mice showed distinct organ selectivity compared with Lipofectin; moreover, higher gene expression by TPFE was found in liver and spleen, but not in the lung. No acute toxicity of TPFE was found for the liver and kidney, although Lipofectin significantly increased liver enzymes and blood urea nitrogen. In fetal tissues, neither TPFE nor Lipofectin induced EGFP gene expression. Delivery of insulin 2 gene to female C57/BL6 mice increased plasma insulin levels and reduced blood glucose concentrations, indicating the potential of TPFE-based gene delivery for clinical application. In conclusion, this study demonstrated effective gene delivery in vivo for the first time using a water-soluble fullerene.
