
2010-03-12 00:00 · queen

甲壳动物蛀木水虱危害木船和码头木制设施,俗称“吃木虫”。而英国一项最新研究说,蛀木水虱其实也有一定益处,它体内含有的一种特殊的酶有助于将木头分解为生物能源。 英国朴次茅斯大学等机构研究人员在新一期美国《国家科学院学报》(PNAS)上报告说,与白蚁等其他以木材为食的动物不同,蛀木水






PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.0914228107

Molecular insight into lignocellulose digestion by a marine isopod in the absence of gut microbes

Andrew J. Kinga, Simon M. Craggb, Yi Lia, Jo Dymondb, Matthew J. Guilleb, Dianna J. Bowlesa, Neil C. Brucea, Ian A. Grahama, and Simon J. McQueen-Masona,1

The digestion of lignocellulose is attracting attention both in terms of basic research into its metabolism by microorganisms and animals, and also as a means of converting plant biomass into biofuels. Limnoriid wood borers are unusual because, unlike other wood-feeding animals, they do not rely on symbiotic microbes to help digest lignocellulose. The absence of microbes in the digestive tract suggests that limnoriid wood borers produce all the enzymes necessary for lignocellulose digestion themselves. In this study we report that analysis of ESTs from the digestive system of Limnoria quadripunctata reveals a transcriptome dominated by glycosyl hydrolase genes. Indeed, < 20% of all ESTs represent genes encoding putative cellulases, including glycosyl hydrolase family 7 (GH7) cellobiohydrolases. These have not previously been reported in animal genomes, but are key digestive enzymes produced by wood-degrading fungi and symbiotic protists in termite guts. We propose that limnoriid GH7 genes are important for the efficient digestion of lignocellulose in the absence of gut microbes. Hemocyanin transcripts were highly abundant in the hepatopancreas transcriptome. Based on recent studies indicating that these proteins may function as phenoloxidases in isopods, we discuss a possible role for hemocyanins in lignin decomposition.
