棕熊用布满藤壶的石头给自己蹭痒(图:Volker Deecke)
由于棕熊的生活非常隐秘,更不用说其危险性了,所以人们对其大脑的能力所知并不多。这实际上相当奇怪,因为在所有的食肉动物中,以熊的体型来说它们的大脑是最大的,并被认为是相当的聪明(尽管多数是些轶事传闻)。现在,一则新闻报道称,英国坎布里亚大学的研究者Volker Deecke在度假时无意中发现一头棕熊用一块布满藤壶的石头来帮自己减轻由于褪毛引起的瘙痒。Deecke将该景象拍了下来并发表在Animal Cognition杂志上。
Tool-use in the brown bear (Ursus arctos)
Volker B. Deecke
This is the first report of tool-using behaviour in a wild brown bear (Ursus arctos). Whereas the use of tools is comparatively common among primates and has also been documented in several species of birds, fishes and invertebrates, tool-using behaviours have so far been observed in only four species of non-primate mammal. The observation was made and photographed while studying the behaviour of a subadult brown bear in south-eastern Alaska. The animal repeatedly picked up barnacle-encrusted rocks in shallow water, manipulated and re-oriented them in its forepaws, and used them to rub its neck and muzzle. The behaviour probably served to relieve irritated skin or to remove food-remains from the fur. Bears habitually rub against stationary objects and overturn rocks and boulders during foraging and such rubbing behaviour could have been transferred to a freely movable object to classify as tool-use. The bear exhibited considerable motor skills when manipulating the rocks, which clearly shows that these animals possess the advanced motor learning necessary for tool-use. Advanced spatial cognition and motor skills for object manipulation during feeding and tool-use provide a possible explanation for why bears have the largest brains relative to body size of all carnivores. Systematic research into the cognitive abilities of bears, both in captivity and in the wild, is clearly warranted to fully understand their motor-learning skills and physical intelligence related to tool-use and other object manipulation tasks.