来自英国莱斯特大学,卡迪夫大学的研究人员发表了题为“Agonist binding evokes extensive conformational changes in the extracellular domain of the ATP-gated human P2X1 receptor ion channel”的文章,研究分析了一种与中风和心脏疾病相关的“生物化学开关”,这将有助于了解这一开关的分子作用机制,相关成果公布在美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)杂志上。
领导这一研究的是莱斯特大学Richard Evans教授,他表示,“我们首次探索这种与血液凝结有关的开关如何作用的。”
除此之外,在P2X受体家族研究方面,之前George Gorodeski博士率领的研究小组曾发现研究小组发现P2X7蛋白和mRNA分析有望成为检查子宫内膜癌变前情况的方法,证实P2X7鉴别妇女癌变前子宫内膜癌的敏感性。
Agonist binding evokes extensive conformational changes in the extracellular domain of the ATP-gated human P2X1 receptor ion channel
Roberts, Jonathan A.; Allsopp, Rebecca C.; El Ajouz, Sam; Vial, Catherine; Schmid, Ralf; Young, Mark T.; Evans, Richard J.
P2X receptors for ATP have a wide range of physiological roles and comprise a structurally distinct family of ligand-gated trimeric ion channels. The crystal structure of a P2X4 receptor, in combination with mutagenesis studies, has provided a model of the intersubunit ATP-binding sites and identified an extracellular lateral portal, adjacent to the membrane, that funnels ions to the channel pore. However, little is known about the extent of ATP-induced conformational changes in the extracellular domain of the receptor. To address this issue, we have used MTSEA-biotinylation (N-Biotinoylaminoethyl methanethiosulfonate) to show ATP-sensitive accessibility of cysteine mutants at the human P2X1 receptor. Mapping these data to a P2X1 receptor homology model identifies significant conformational rearrangement. Electron microscopy of purified P2X1 receptors showed marked changes in structure on ATP binding, and introducing disulphide bonds between adjacent subunits to restrict intersubunit movements inhibited channel function. These results are consistent with agonist-induced rotation of the propeller-head domain of the receptor, sliding of adjacent subunits leading to restricted access to the upper vestibule, movement in the ion conducting lateral portals, and gating of the channel pore.