发现小分子化合物通过E-cadherin 蛋白加速重编程过程

2010-06-10 00:00 · wythe

近期国际学术期刊《Stem Cells》发表了以裴钢研究组为主完成的最新研究成果:小分子化合物通过E-cadherin 蛋白加速重编程过程。 细胞重编程是指已经分化的细胞重新获得分化多能性的过程。诱导多能干细胞即iPS细胞是通过向体细胞中以病毒方式导入外源的四个转录因子Oct3/

近期国际学术期刊《Stem Cells》发表了以裴钢研究组为主完成的最新研究成果:小分子化合物通过E-cadherin 蛋白加速重编程过程。




Figure 1. Ectopic expression of E-cadherin enhances reprogramming efficiency.

(A) Representative images of AP+ colonies. MEF cells were transduced with retrovirus containing four factors (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc) plus E-cadherin or three factors (Oct3/4, Sox2 and Klf4) plus E-cadherin and cultured in the standard iPS induction conditions. Cultures were fixed and stained for alkaline phosphotase activity (Upper panel). Parallel-transduced MEF cells were tested for E-cadherin over expression by western blot using antibody specific for E-cadherin (Lower panel). 4F, four factors; 3F, three factors.

(B) Quantification of AP+ colony numbers after E-cadherin overexpression. Bars represent numbers that normalized as relative colony numbers per 20,000 starting cells. The error bars denote the standard error derived from quantification of three independent experiments.

(C) Quantification of Oct4::GFP positive (GFP+) colony numbers after E-cadherin over expression. As a more stringent quantification for reprogramming efficiency, GFP+ colonies numbers were counted under a fluorescence microscope. Bars represent numbers that normalized as relative colony numbers per 20,000 starting cells. The error bars denote the standard error derived from quantification of three independent experiments.

(D) Morphology of iPS cells derived by the four factors plus E-cadherin method (E4F-iPS cells). Phase contrast photo shows an ES-like morphology of E4F-iPS cells. Antibody staining shows that E4F-iPS cells express pluripotency markers SSEA1 and Nanog. Represent pictures of iPS cell line E4F-iPS-1 are shown. The scale bars represent 100 mM.

(E) Morphology of E4F-iPS cells maintained in medium with and without LIF. E4F-iPS cells were passaged on MEF feeder cells and maintained in + LIF medium or – LIF medium for 3days. Morphology (phase) and Oct4::GFP expression (Oct4::GFP) were scanned and photographed. The scale bars represent 100 mM.

(F) Real-time PCR analysis of the markers for pluripotency and all three germ layers in embryoid bodies derived from E4F-iPS cells. Results from cell line E4F-iPS-1 are shown. Bars represent expression levels relative to that of ES cells. b-actin was used as an internal control.

(G) Teratomas derived from E4F-iPS cells. Shown are representatives HE staining pictures for ectoderm (neural tissue), mesoderm (cartilage) and endoderm (gut). Scale Bars represent 50 mM.

(H) Two-week-old chimeric mice derived from E4F-iPS cells.

Figure 2. Chemicals that upregulate E-cadherin can enhance reprogramming efficiency.

(A) Immunoblotting of E-cadherin expression in 4-factor transduced MEF cells under small-molecule treatment, with the concentrations listed. Equal volume of DMSO was used as control. Quantification by densitometric analysis is shown.

(B) Schematic representation of iPS cell generation with chemical treatment.

(C) Quantification of the efficiency of 4-factor induced iPS cell generation with small-molecule treatment. The error bars denote the standard error derived from quantification of three separate wells of cells.

(D) Fold change in the E-cadherin protein level under chemical treatment. The error bars denote the standard error derived from densitometric analysis of three independent experiments.

(E) Quantification of the efficiency of 4-factor induced iPS cell generation under Apegenin (5, 10 and 15 μM) treatment.

(F) Fold change in the E-cadherin protein level under Apigenin (5, 10 and 15 μM) treatment. The error bars denote the standard error derived from densitometric analysis of three independent experiments.
