上周《Journal of Biological Chemistry》发表了一篇由中科院两个院所团队合作研究的文章,作者在小鼠多能干细胞及iPS细胞中发现一种特殊的标记因子。这种标记是一个小RNA簇,该小RNA簇的表达水平与多能性水平(干性)密切相关(多能性越强,干细胞分化为特定组织、器官或个体的可能性越高。)。
该研究受到科技部国家高技术研究发展计划和国家自然基金的资助。该文章4月9日在线发表于《Journal of Biological Chemistry》,印刷版将在下一期发表。其他合作者包括:Lei Liu, Guan-Zheng Luo, Wei Yang, Xiaoyang Zhao, Qinyuan Zheng, Zhuo Lv, Wei Li, Hua-Jun Wu and Liu Wang.
First Published on April 9, 2010, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.131995
Activation of the imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 region correlates with pluripotency levels of mouse stem cells
Lei Liu1, Guan-Zheng Luo2, Wei Yang2, Xiaoyang Zhao1, Qinyuan Zheng1, Zhuo Lv1, Wei Li1, Hua-Jun Wu2, Liu Wang1, Xiu-Jie Wang2 and Qi Zhou1
Low reprogramming efficiency and reduced pluripotency have been the two major obstacles in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell research. An effective and quick method to assess the pluripotency levels of iPS cells at early stages would significantly increase the success rate of iPS cell generation and promote its applications. We have identified a conserved imprinted region of the mouse genome, the Dlk1-Dio3 region, which was activated in fully pluripotent mouse stem cells but repressed in partially pluripotent cells. The degree of activation of this region was positively correlated with the pluripotency level of stem cells. A mammalian conserved cluster of miRNAs encoded by this region exhibited significant expression differences between full- and partial-pluripotent stem cells. Several miRNAs from this cluster potentially target the PRC2 silencing complex, and may form a feed-forward regulatory loop resulting in the expression of all genes and non-coding RNAs encoded by this region in full-pluripotent stem cells. No other genomic regions were found to exhibit such clear expression changes between cell lines with different pluripotency levels, therefore the Dlk1-Dio3 region may serve as a marker to identify fully pluripotent iPS or ES cells. These findings also provide a step forward toward understanding the operating mechanisms during reprogramming to produce iPS cells, and can potentially promote the application of iPS cells in regenerative medicine and cancer therapy. The putative synergetic effects of several miRNAs also furthered the understanding of the coordinative functions of miRNAs in regulating complex biological processes.(作者:Alois>Gratwohl>)