近日来自澳大利亚墨尔本沃尔特-伊莱扎霍尔医学研究院(Walter and Eliza Hall Institute)的一项最新研究表明成熟血细胞能够与亲代干细胞“沟通”,并影响其行为。机体内血细胞反馈环的发现为研究干细胞机能紊乱引起的疾病及开发新的治疗方法开辟了新道路。研究结果发表在11月29日的PNAS上,揭示了从前未知的血细胞间的相互关系。
来自分子医学系的Carolyn de Graaf博士和Doug Hilton教授以及来自癌症和血液病学系的Warren Alexander领导了该项研究。
研究人员发现血细胞异常可引起反馈环失调,进而对血液干细胞产生影响。研究人员在动物模型中研究了一种抑制血小板生成的转录因子Myb,在检测Myb缺失对细胞的影响时发现了这一现象。de Graaf博士说Myb基因缺失可导致动物血液中产生高水平的血小板,从而引起维持干细胞的信号途径发生改变。
“当信号途径发生改变时,这些干细胞不再维持在一种‘静止状态’,而是在不断地循环,生成成熟干细胞,”de Graaf博士说:“最终干细胞会耗尽,由于缺乏足够的干细胞生成新的红细胞和白细胞,从而导致机体血液疾病发生。”
“如果我们能够了解这些基因在干细胞维持和血细胞生成中的重要作用,我们就能够找到一些新途径提高移植技术和血液疾病的治疗,”de Graaf博士说。
PNAS | doi: 10.1073/pnas.1016166108
Regulation of hematopoietic stem cells by their mature progeny
Carolyn A. de Graafa,b, Maria Kauppic, Tracey Baldwina, Craig D. Hylandc, Donald Metcalfc,1, Tracy A. Willsona, Marina R. Carpinellia, Gordon K. Smythd,e, Warren S. Alexanderc,b,2, and Douglas J. Hiltona,b,1,2
+ Author Affiliations
aMolecular Medicine Division,
cCancer and Haematology Division, and
dBioinformatics Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia; and
Departments of bMedical Biology and
eMathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia
Contributed by Donald Metcalf, October 27, 2010 (sent for review August 23, 2010)
?2W.S.A. and D.J.H. contributed equally to this work.
Thrombopoietin (TPO), acting through its receptor Mpl, has two major physiological roles: ensuring production of sufficient platelets via stimulation of megakaryocyte production and maintaining hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) quiescence. Mpl also controls circulating TPO concentration via receptor-mediated internalization and degradation. Here, we demonstrate that the megakaryocytosis and increased platelet mass in mice with mutations in the Myb or p300 genes causes reduced circulating TPO concentration and TPO starvation of the stem-cell compartment, which is exacerbated because these cells additionally exhibit impaired responsiveness to TPO. HSCs from MybPlt4/Plt4 mice show altered expression of TPO-responsive genes and, like HSCs from Tpo and Mpl mutant mice, exhibit increased cycling and a decline in the number of HSCs with age. These studies suggest that disorders of platelet number can have profound effects on the HSC compartment via effects on the feedback regulation of circulating TPO concentration.