
2010-11-29 00:00 · amy

11月22日,国际知名学术期刊《美国科学院院刊》(PNAS)在线发表了中科院上海生科院生化与细胞所陈剑峰课题组的最新研究成果,阐明了阳离子-π相互作用对于整合素α4β7的亲和性及其相关信号转导的新调节机制。 白细胞的迁移运动是炎症反应病理过程中的重要步骤和关键环节。整合素作为一类



前期的研究表明,整合素β亚基I结构域中的specific determining loop(SDL)与SyMBS是两个重要的整合素功能调控元件。SDL具有非常柔性的结构,与整合素识别配体的特异性有关;而SyMBS金属离子结合位点是整合素活化所必须的,但是它们的精细调控机制还不清楚。




PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1015487107

Cation-π interaction regulates ligand-binding affinity and signaling of integrin α4β7

YouDong Pana, Kun Zhanga, JunPeng Qia, Jiao Yuea, Timothy A. Springerb,1, and JianFeng Chena,1

aLaboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China; and

bThe Immune Disease Institute, Children’s Hospital Boston, and Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, 3 Blackfan Circle, Boston, MA 02115

Integrin α4β7 mediates rolling and firm adhesion of leucocytes, two of the critical steps in leukocyte migration and tissue specific homing. Affinity of α4β7 for ligand is dynamically regulated by three interlinked metal ion-binding sites in β7-subunit I domain. In this study, we found that Phe185 (F185), a highly conserved aromatic residue in β7-subunit, links the specificity-determining loop and the synergistic metal ion-binding site (SyMBS) through cation-π interaction. Mutations of F185 that disrupted the SyMBS cation-F185 interaction led to deficient firm cell adhesion mediated by high affinity α4β7, and only slightly affected rolling adhesion mediated by low affinity α4β7. Disruption of SyMBS cation-F185 interaction induced partial extension of integrin ectodomain and separation of cytoplasmic tails, and impaired α4β7-mediated bidirectional signaling. In addition, loss of SyMBS cation-F185 interaction increased paxillin expression and promoted paxillin-integrin binding, leading to deficient cell spreading. Furthermore, integrin α4β7-mediated cell migration was decreased by the abolishment of SyMBS cation-F185 interaction. Thus, these findings reveal a cation-π interaction playing vital roles in the regulation of integrin affinity, signaling, and biological functions.
