Cell Stem Cell:有助恢复脊髓功能的干细胞

2010-10-11 00:00 · Aaron

瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院研究人员8日报告说,他们研究发现一类名为室管膜细胞的干细胞不仅可帮助生成更多新的脊髓细胞,还能帮助恢复脊髓功能。这一成果将有助于研究人员寻找治疗人类各种脊髓损伤的新疗法。 研究人员在新一期美国《细胞-干细胞》杂志上介绍说,他们对实验鼠的研究发现,一旦老鼠的骨





Cell Stem Cell doi:10.1016/j.stem.2010.07.014

Origin of New Glial Cells in Intact and Injured Adult Spinal Cord

Fanie Barnabé-Heider, Christian G?ritz, Hanna Sabelstr?m, Hirohide Takebayashi, Frank W. Pfrieger, Konstantinos Meletis, Jonas FrisénSee Affiliations

Several distinct cell types in the adult central nervous system have been suggested to act as stem or progenitor cells generating new cells under physiological or pathological conditions. We have assessed the origin of new cells in the adult mouse spinal cord by genetic fate mapping. Oligodendrocyte progenitors self-renew, give rise to new mature oligodendrocytes, and constitute the dominating proliferating cell population in the intact adult spinal cord. In contrast, astrocytes and ependymal cells, which are restricted to limited self-duplication in the intact spinal cord, generate the largest number of cells after spinal cord injury. Only ependymal cells generate progeny of multiple fates, and neural stem cell activity in the intact and injured adult spinal cord is confined to this cell population. We provide an integrated view of how several distinct cell types contribute in complementary ways to cell maintenance and the reaction to injury.
