
2010-09-08 00:00 · Eileen

在医学实践中,蔗糖常被医生用作婴儿镇痛剂,来缓解婴儿在医疗过程中产生的疼痛。但最新发表在医学专刊《柳叶刀》上的一篇论文则警告称,用蔗糖作为婴儿镇痛剂是无效的,长此以往可能导致婴儿的大脑受损。 在对婴儿进行注射、抽血化验和穿刺时,给其服用少量的蔗糖以缓解疼痛,是临床治疗中的一种普遍






The Lancet doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61303-7

Oral sucrose as an analgesic drug for procedural pain in newborn infants: a randomised controlled trial

Dr Rebeccah Slater PhD a b , Laura Cornelissen MSci b *, Lorenzo Fabrizi PhD b *, Debbie Patten BSc b, Jan Yoxen BSc b, Alan Worley MSc c, Stewart Boyd MD c, Judith Meek MBBS d ?, Prof Maria Fitzgerald PhD b ?


Many infants admitted to hospital undergo repeated invasive procedures. Oral sucrose is frequently given to relieve procedural pain in neonates on the basis of its effect on behavioural and physiological pain scores. We assessed whether sucrose administration reduces pain-specific brain and spinal cord activity after an acute noxious procedure in newborn infants.


In this double-blind, randomised controlled trial, 59 newborn infants at University College Hospital (London, UK) were randomly assigned to receive 05 mL 24% sucrose solution or 05 mL sterile water 2 min before undergoing a clinically required heel lance. Randomisation was by a computer-generated randomisation code, and researchers, clinicians, participants, and parents were masked to the identity of the solutions. The primary outcome was pain-specific brain activity evoked by one time-locked heel lance, recorded with electroencephalography and identified by principal component analysis. Secondary measures were baseline behavioural and physiological measures, observational pain scores (PIPP), and spinal nociceptive reflex withdrawal activity. Data were analysed per protocol. This study is registered, number ISRCTN78390996.


29 infants were assigned to receive sucrose and 30 to sterilised water; 20 and 24 infants, respectively, were included in the analysis of the primary outcome measure. Nociceptive brain activity after the noxious heel lance did not differ significantly between infants who received sucrose and those who received sterile water (sucrose: mean 010, 95% CI 004―016; sterile water: mean 008, 004―012; p=046). No significant difference was recorded between the sucrose and sterile water groups in the magnitude or latency of the spinal nociceptive reflex withdrawal recorded from the biceps femoris of the stimulated leg. The PIPP score was significantly lower in infants given sucrose than in those given sterile water (mean 58, 95% CI 37―78 vs 85, 73―98; p=002) and significantly more infants had no change in facial expression after sucrose administration (seven of 20 [35%] vs none of 24; p&00001).


Our data suggest that oral sucrose does not significantly affect activity in neonatal brain or spinal cord nociceptive circuits, and therefore might not be an effective analgesic drug. The ability of sucrose to reduce clinical observational scores after noxious events in newborn infants should not be interpreted as pain relief
