8月20日,Nature 旗下Cell Death " Differentiation杂志在线发表了上海生科院吴家睿研究组和廖侃研究组合作取得的最新研究成果。
吴家睿研究组的裴鸿娟博士和廖侃研究组的姚遥博士通过研究发现,KLF转录因子家族成员KLF9在前脂肪细胞向脂肪细胞分化的过程中起了重要作用。脂肪细胞分化伴随着KLF9表达量的增加,如果抑制KLF9的表达,脂肪细胞的分化将被抑制。研究进一步发现,KLF9在分化的中期结合到一个重要的调控分化的转录因子: PPARγ基因的启动子上,促进PPARγ的表达,从而促进脂肪细胞分化;并且,KLF9可以和另一个转录因子:C/EBPα相互作用,共同上调PPARγ的表达。这个研究结果在现有认识的基础上,进一步阐明了调控脂肪细胞分化的分子机制,为人们解决肥胖和一系列肥胖相关的健康问题提供了新的思路。
Cell Death " Differentiation , (20 August 2010) | doi:10.1038/cdd.2010.100
Krüppel-like factor KLF9 regulates PPARγ transactivation at the middle stage of adipogenesis
H Pei, Y Yao, Y Yang, K Liao and J-R Wu
Krüppel-like factors (KLFs) as a family of zinc-finger transcription factors involve in the regulation of many physiological processes. In these studies, KLF9 was characterized for its role in adipogenesis. The expression of KLF9 was markedly upregulated during the middle stage of 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation, and inhibition of KLF9 by RNAi impaired adipogenesis. Using promoter deletion and mutation analysis, we identified two KLF9-binding sites within the 0.6-kb region of the PPARγ2 proximal promoter, indicating that KLF9 interacts with the PPARγ2 promoter. Furthermore, we found that KLF9 could synergistically activate PPARγ2 promoter by directly interacting with C/EBPα. In addition, overexpression of PPARγ2 rescued the impairment of adipocyte differentiation induced by KLF9 knockdown, which supports that PPARγ2 is a downstream target of KLF9. Collectively, our results indicate KLF9 as a key pro-adipogenic transcription factor through regulation of PPARγ2 expression with C/EBPα at the middle stage of adipogenesis.