人类并不像我们所想的那样互不相同,至少在谈及我们的免疫系统的时候是这样。 一项新的研究发现,令人意外的是,任何2个人都可能有成千上万个免疫细胞在其表面展示着完全相同的T细胞受体;这些T细胞受体过去曾被认为就像是雪花那样地独一无二。
为了保护机体不受隐伏的令人生厌的微生物的侵害,我们的免疫细胞会产生数量巨大的不同抗体和T细胞受体。这一多样性由基因重组所产生,即不同基因组的片段可像彩色的珠子那样被串在一起并产生形形色色的T细胞受体和抗体序列。这一过程原先被认为是一个随机的过程,但Harlan Robins及其同事如今显示,制造免疫细胞的基因深度测序实际上是一个选择性很强的过程,从而使得不同人体内产生的相同的T细胞受体的数目少得出乎意料。
Sci Transl Med DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3001442
Overlap and Effective Size of the Human CD8+ T Cell Receptor Repertoire
Harlan S. Robins1,*, Santosh K. Srivastava1, Paulo V. Campregher2, Cameron J. Turtle2, Jessica Andriesen1, Stanley R. Riddell2, Christopher S. Carlson3,? and Edus H. Warren1
Diversity in T lymphocyte antigen receptors is generated by somatic rearrangement of T cell receptor (TCR) genes and is concentrated within the third complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) of each chain of the TCR heterodimer. We sequenced the CDR3 regions from millions of rearranged TCR β chain genes in na?ve and memory CD8+ T cells of seven adults. The CDR3 sequence repertoire realized in each individual is strongly biased toward specific Vβ-Jβ pair utilization, dominated by sequences containing few inserted nucleotides, and drawn from a defined subset comprising less than 0.1% of the estimated 5 × 1011 possible sequences. Surprisingly, the overlap in the na?ve CD8+ CDR3 sequence repertoires of any two of the individuals is ~7000-fold larger than predicted and appears to be independent of the degree of human leukocyte antigen matching.