据8月份发表于PloS Biology杂志上的一篇文章,科学家最新识别了一种细胞,该细胞在果蝇胚胎形成期能够改变身份。科学家称这种细胞为"mixer cells",通过模型研究,科学家发现它们有助于缓解组织张力。这项发现揭示了组织如何适应胚胎形成过程中的变化,或能开启再生医学研究的新方向。
研究人员观察了果蝇晶胚的背闭合行为(dorsal closure)。在果蝇胚胎形成的关键时期,两个表层汇合并关闭,这就像伤口的修复。通过观察背闭合行为时期的晶胚,研究人员发现有一种细胞能够承担两种角色。事实上,这类细胞能够进行两种身份的转变。身份的变化或者说细胞粘性在先前的一些研究中研究人员已经有所了解,该过程会在疾病发生过程或其他一些特定环境下发生。而在该案例中,细胞粘性并没有在这些已知的前提下发生。
PloS Biology, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000390
JNK Signalling Controls Remodelling of the Segment Boundary through Cell Reprogramming during Drosophila Morphogenesis
Melanie Gettings1#, Fanny Serman1#, Rapha?l Rousset1, Patrizia Bagnerini2, Luis Almeida3, Stéphane Noselli1*
Segments are fundamental units in animal development which are made of distinct cell lineages separated by boundaries. Although boundaries show limited plasticity during their formation for sharpening, cell lineages make compartments that become tightly restricted as development goes on. Here, we characterize a unique case of breaking of the segment boundary in late drosophila embryos. During dorsal closure, specific cells from anterior compartments cross the segment boundary and enter the adjacent posterior compartments. This cell mixing behaviour is driven by an anterior-to-posterior reprogramming mechanism involving de novo expression of the homeodomain protein Engrailed. Mixing is accompanied by stereotyped local cell intercalation, converting the segment boundary into a relaxation compartment important for tension-release during morphogenesis. This process of lineage switching and cell remodelling is controlled by JNK signalling. Our results reveal plasticity of segment boundaries during late morphogenesis and a role for JNK-dependent developmental reprogramming in this process.