研究人员报告说,隐藏在硅纳米线中的纳米尺度的晶体管收音机可潜入活体细胞并监控它们的活动。 这些发夹形状的纳米线的末端附着在某个金属平台上,它们有可能与某台计算机连接以监控诸如搏动心肌细胞或放电神经元等可产生电脉冲的细胞的健康状况。
或者将来有一天,如果研究人员能够在这些纳米线的弯曲末端加上蛋白质受体的话,它也许还能够实时记录某个细胞所产生的核酸或其它分子。 Bozhi Tian及其同事在合成硅纳米线的过程中融入了一个纳米尺度场效应的晶体管。(这种方法涉及到更像典型有机化学的构象控制,它背离了制造半导体的常规方法,而这些常规的方法所产生的装置要大得多。) 研究人员还在该纳米线的携带晶体管的部分引入了一个锐角弯曲,并给予其一种细胞膜的覆盖,这样,该尖端可进入一个活细胞内。细胞电压的波动接着会诱导该晶体管表面的电压的变化。
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1192033
Three-Dimensional, Flexible Nanoscale Field-Effect Transistors as Localized Bioprobes
Bozhi Tian,1,* Tzahi Cohen-Karni,2,* Quan Qing,1 Xiaojie Duan,1 Ping Xie,1 Charles M. Lieber1,2,
Nanoelectronic devices offer substantial potential for interrogating biological systems, although nearly all work has focused on planar device designs. We have overcome this limitation through synthetic integration of a nanoscale field-effect transistor (nanoFET) device at the tip of an acute-angle kinked silicon nanowire, where nanoscale connections are made by the arms of the kinked nanostructure, and remote multilayer interconnects allow three-dimensional (3D) probe presentation. The acute-angle probe geometry was designed and synthesized by controlling cis versus trans crystal conformations between adjacent kinks, and the nanoFET was localized through modulation doping. 3D nanoFET probes exhibited conductance and sensitivity in aqueous solution, independent of large mechanical deflections, and demonstrated high pH sensitivity. Additionally, 3D nanoprobes modified with phospholipid bilayers can enter single cells to allow robust recording of intracellular potentials.
1 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
2 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.