
2010-08-16 00:00 · Sara

生物谷Bioon.com 讯 美国圣弗朗西斯科市加利福尼亚大学心血管研究所的Michael A.Matthay 和Jae W.Lee博士领导的研究小组在《生物化学》杂志上发表论文称他们的研究证实来源于病患骨髓的干细胞有治疗急性肺损伤的潜力,并揭示了骨髓干细胞修复损伤肺细胞的机理

生物谷Bioon.com 讯 美国圣弗朗西斯科市加利福尼亚大学心血管研究所的Michael A.Matthay 和Jae W.Lee博士领导的研究小组在《生物化学》杂志上发表论文称他们的研究证实来源于病患骨髓的干细胞有治疗急性肺损伤的潜力,并揭示了骨髓干细胞修复损伤肺细胞的机理。


过去几十年以来,科学家们利用骨髓固有的再生特性治疗血液相关疾病患者,不久前利用骨髓干细胞修复损伤组织的研究开始受到关注。骨髓中有两种干细胞。一种是造血干细胞可基于免疫系统的需要生成红细胞和白细胞。Matthay 和 Lee研究的是另一种骨髓干细胞――间充质干细胞。虽然间充质细胞也可生成血细胞,最令科学家们感兴趣的是它能够分化为各种成熟细胞,形成人体各种组织器官。Lee认为在过去的几年里,由于干细胞在基于细胞治疗方面的临床应用,其生物学机理越来越受到大家的关注。


“当前的治疗方法主要是支持治疗,因此需要引入新的治疗方法” 共同作者Arne P. Neyrinck认为。




JBC doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.119917

Allogeneic Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Restore Epithelial Protein Permeability in Cultured Human Alveolar Type II Cells by Secretion of Angiopoietin-1*?

Xiaohui Fang?, Arne P. Neyrinck?, Michael A. Matthay?§? and Jae W. Lee??,1

From the ?The Cardiovascular Research Institute, the §Department of Medicine, and the ?Department of Anesthesiology, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143

Acute lung injury is characterized by injury to the lung epithelium that leads to impaired resolution of pulmonary edema and also facilitates accumulation of protein-rich edema fluid and inflammatory cells in the distal airspaces of the lung. Recent in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) may have therapeutic value for the treatment of acute lung injury. Here we tested the ability of human allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells to restore epithelial permeability to protein across primary cultures of polarized human alveolar epithelial type II cells after an inflammatory insult. Alveolar epithelial type II cells were grown on a Transwell plate with an air-liquid interface and injured by cytomix, a combination of IL-1β, TNFα, and IFNγ. Protein permeability measured by 131I-labeled albumin flux was increased by 5-fold over 24 h after cytokine-induced injury. Co-culture of human MSC restored type II cell epithelial permeability to protein to control levels. Using siRNA knockdown of potential paracrine soluble factors, we found that angiopoietin-1 secretion was responsible for this beneficial effect in part by preventing actin stress fiber formation and claudin 18 disorganization through suppression of NFκB activity. This study provides novel evidence for a beneficial effect of MSC on alveolar epithelial permeability to protein.
