美国斯坦福大学的骆利群(Liqun Luo)研究组致力于研究可抑制的双元表达系统,以期能够做为GAL4系统的备选或和其结合使用。他们在面包粗糙链孢霉(Neurospora crassa)中发现了一个很好的候选系统,命名为Q系统。Q系统包括转录激活子QF。OF能够结合它的抑制子QS和特异序列Q-UAS。奎尼酸注入果蝇血液中,能够抑制QS的活性,这是在另一水平控制转基因表达。尽管其他的双元表达系统都能够达到相同的调控水平,“但是Q系统集聚了所有的特点”, 骆利群解释说。
Cell DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2010.02.025
The Q System: A Repressible Binary System for Transgene Expression, Lineage Tracing, and Mosaic Analysis
Christopher J. Potter, Bosiljka Tasic, Emilie V. Russler, Liang Liang, Liqun Luo
We describe a new repressible binary expression system based on the regulatory genes from the Neurospora qa gene cluster. This Q system offers attractive features for transgene expression in Drosophila and mammalian cells: low basal expression in the absence of the transcriptional activator QF, high QF-induced expression, and QF repression by its repressor QS. Additionally, feeding flies quinic acid can relieve QS repression. The Q system offers many applications, including (1) intersectional logic gates with the GAL4 system for manipulating transgene expression patterns, (2) GAL4-independent MARCM analysis, and (3) coupled MARCM analysis to independently visualize and genetically manipulate siblings from any cell division. We demonstrate the utility of the Q system in determining cell division patterns of a neuronal lineage and gene function in cell growth and proliferation, and in dissecting neurons responsible for olfactory attraction. The Q system can be expanded to other uses in Drosophila and to any organism conducive to transgenesis.