Nat. Biotech.:精确调控活细胞蛋白活性的新技术

2010-06-29 00:00 · Edward




在6月27日的Nature Biotechnology杂志上,药理学教授Klaus Hahn在其最新研究论文中描述了一种叫构象改造调节(engineered allosteric regulation)的新技术,为科学家提供了一种研究活细胞内蛋白互作的新工具。




科学家随后将一种药物绑定到设计的蛋白上,并使其紧紧附着在分子上,这就使得激酶能够正常地运作,这个过程就像是拧紧了汽车轮子上的螺栓一样 .



Nature Biotechnology doi:10.1038/nbt.1639

Engineered allosteric activation of kinases in living cells

Andrei V Karginov,Feng Ding,Pradeep Kota,Nikolay V Dokholyan" Klaus M Hahn

Studies of cellular and tissue dynamics benefit greatly from tools that can control protein activity with specificity and precise timing in living systems. Here we describe an approach to confer allosteric regulation specifically on the catalytic activity of protein kinases. A highly conserved portion of the kinase catalytic domain is modified with a small protein insert that inactivates catalytic activity but does not affect other protein functions (Fig. 1a). Catalytic activity is restored by addition of rapamycin or non-immunosuppresive rapamycin analogs. Molecular modeling and mutagenesis indicate that the protein insert reduces activity by increasing the flexibility of the catalytic domain. Drug binding restores activity by increasing rigidity. We demonstrate the approach by specifically activating focal adhesion kinase (FAK) within minutes in living cells and show that FAK is involved in the regulation of membrane dynamics. Successful regulation of Src and p38 by insertion of the rapamycin-responsive element at the same conserved site used in FAK suggests that our strategy will be applicable to other kinases.
