这项研究具有重要意义,因为生殖历史(reproductive history)是乳腺癌最强的风险因子,其他已知的主要影响因子还有年龄,遗传因子和乳腺密度等。该研究是由分子生物学家Rama Khokha负责的,研究结果发布在最新一期Nature的在线版本上
文章作者Purna Joshi表示,这项研究能够解释乳腺干细胞在自然生殖过程中如何以及何时会受荷尔蒙影响。研究表明,在月经的下半个周期孕酮分泌会达到峰值,此时干细胞和邻近细胞开始相互交流,驱使正常的乳腺干细胞数量扩增,这就可能导致环境改变使得癌症易于发生。
直到现在,普遍观点认为在成年女性乳房中,乳腺干细胞一般是不活跃的, Khokha博士介绍说,在这项研究中,研究人员通过在小鼠中复制人类自然的生殖周期确定荷尔蒙对乳腺干细胞的影响。
Progesterone induces adult mammary stem cell expansion
Reproductive history is the strongest risk factor for breast cancer after age, genetics and breast density1, 2. Increased breast cancer risk is entwined with a greater number of ovarian hormone-dependent reproductive cycles, yet the basis for this predisposition is unknown3, 4, 5. Mammary stem cells (MaSCs) are located within a specialized niche in the basal epithelial compartment that is under local and systemic regulation6. The emerging role of MaSCs in cancer initiation warrants the study of ovarian hormones in MaSC homeostasis. Here we show that the MaSC pool increases 14-fold during maximal progesterone levels at the luteal dioestrus phase of the mouse. Stem-cell-enriched CD49fhi cells amplify at dioestrus, or with exogenous progesterone, demonstrating a key role for progesterone in propelling this expansion. In aged mice, CD49fhi cells display stasis upon cessation of the reproductive cycle. Progesterone drives a series of events where luminal cells probably provide Wnt4 and RANKL signals to basal cells which in turn respond by upregulating their cognate receptors, transcriptional targets and cell cycle markers. Our findings uncover a dynamic role for progesterone in activating adult MaSCs within the mammary stem cell niche during the reproductive cycle, where MaSCs are putative targets for cell transformation events leading to breast cancer.