Nature Nanotechnology:3D细胞培养,让细胞有家的感觉

2010-03-19 00:00 · winds

2009年末,3D电影阿凡达风靡全球,细胞的世界其实也有3D的精彩,一个来自Houston医学研究中心的研究团队开发出一种3D细胞培养技术,相关成果文章公布在最新一期的Nature Nanotechnology上。 相比阿凡达的3D技术,在实验室用3D技术培养细胞简单得多,只要

2009年末,3D电影阿凡达风靡全球,细胞的世界其实也有3D的精彩,一个来自Houston医学研究中心的研究团队开发出一种3D细胞培养技术,相关成果文章公布在最新一期的Nature Nanotechnology上。



文章的作者之一Tom Killian副教授表示,用3D细胞培养技术可使得细胞状态保持与在人体内生长的相似,这对药物筛选等研究具有重要的意义。如果说,我们可以提高药物筛选的可信度,只要提高10%,就能节省1亿美金的研发经费。

德克萨斯大学Anderson癌症中心的David H.Koch表示,在癌症研究中,3D技术显得更为关键,我们下一步的计划是将这些3D技术用于癌症方面的研究。




Nature Nanotechnology doi:10.1038/nnano.2010.23

Three-dimensional tissue culture based on magnetic cell levitation

Glauco R. Souza1,9, Jennifer R. Molina2, Robert M. Raphael3, Michael G. Ozawa1, Daniel J. Stark4, Carly S. Levin5, Lawrence F. Bronk1, Jeyarama S. Ananta6, Jami Mandelin1, Maria-Magdalena Georgescu2, James A. Bankson7, Juri G. Gelovani8, T. C. Killian4, Wadih Arap1 " Renata Pasqualini1

Cell culture is an essential tool in drug discovery, tissue engineering and stem cell research. Conventional tissue culture produces two-dimensional cell growth with gene expression, signalling and morphology that can be different from those found in vivo, and this compromises its clinical relevance1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Here, we report a three-dimensional tissue culture based on magnetic levitation of cells in the presence of a hydrogel consisting of gold, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and filamentous bacteriophage. By spatially controlling the magnetic field, the geometry of the cell mass can be manipulated, and multicellular clustering of different cell types in co-culture can be achieved. Magnetically levitated human glioblastoma cells showed similar protein expression profiles to those observed in human tumour xenografts. Taken together, these results indicate that levitated three-dimensional culture with magnetized phage-based hydrogels more closely recapitulates in vivo protein expression and may be more feasible for long-term multicellular studies.
