Nature:胰岛α细胞救急胰岛β细胞 糖尿病疗法新希望

2010-04-06 00:00 · wythe

一个国际研究小组日前发现,一旦胰腺中生成胰岛素的胰岛β细胞全被破坏,那么胰腺中就会有其他细胞出来“救急”,“变身”为胰岛β细胞。这一发现表明,胰岛β细胞可以“再生”,这也许有助于医学专家重新设计对糖尿病的疗法。 一般而言,胰腺中的胰岛α细胞负责制造胰高血糖素,胰岛β细胞负责制造胰







Nature doi:10.1038/nature08894

Conversion of adult pancreatic α-cells to β-cells after extreme β-cell loss

Fabrizio Thorel1,3, Virginie Népote1,3, Isabelle Avril1,3, Kenji Kohno2, Renaud Desgraz1, Simona Chera1 " Pedro L. Herrera1

Department of Cell Physiology " Metabolism, University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine, 1 rue Michel-Servet, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), 8916-5 Takayama, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan

These authors contributed equally to this work.

Pancreatic insulin-producing β-cells have a long lifespan, such that in healthy conditions they replicate little during a lifetime. Nevertheless, they show increased self-duplication after increased metabolic demand or after injury (that is, β-cell loss). It is not known whether adult mammals can differentiate (regenerate) new β-cells after extreme, total β-cell loss, as in diabetes. This would indicate differentiation from precursors or another heterologous (non-β-cell) source. Here we show β-cell regeneration in a transgenic model of diphtheria-toxin-induced acute selective near-total β-cell ablation. If given insulin, the mice survived and showed β-cell mass augmentation with time. Lineage-tracing to label the glucagon-producing α-cells before β-cell ablation tracked large fractions of regenerated β-cells as deriving from α-cells, revealing a previously disregarded degree of pancreatic cell plasticity. Such inter-endocrine spontaneous adult cell conversion could be harnessed towards methods of producing β-cells for diabetes therapies, either in differentiation settings in vitro or in induced regeneration.
