
2010-01-06 00:00 · jeff

来自麻省理工David H. Koch癌症综合研究所,哈佛大学医学院麻省总医院放射肿瘤科,杜克大学放射致癌基因,制药与癌症生物学中心的科学家在最新一期的Science杂志上发表研究进展文章,发现了p53调控的GI综合症的生物机制。 放射损伤是由放射线照射引起的机体组织损害。一般

来自麻省理工David H. Koch癌症综合研究所,哈佛大学医学院麻省总医院放射肿瘤科,杜克大学放射致癌基因,制药与癌症生物学中心的科学家在最新一期的Science杂志上发表研究进展文章,发现了p53调控的GI综合症的生物机制。


急性放射性损伤常常容易对胃肠道产生致命性的损害,这种放射线引起的胃肠道疾病被称为GI syndrome(放射性胃肠综合症),胃肠综合症是在受到比30Gy小但仍然较高的(4Gy以上)辐射引起的。症状有严重恶心、呕吐和腹泻,导致严重失水。最初,症状是由胃肠道粘膜细胞坏死引起的。由于肠壁进行性损伤和细菌感染,症状反复出现。最后,吸收营养的细胞完全破坏,损伤部位大量渗血。通常在辐射后4~6天新细胞再生。但即使这样,病人也很可能在2~3周后,因骨髓衰竭死亡。


现在,来自MIT的Tyler Jacks研究团队用小鼠模型找出了答案,他们发现选择性地沉默小鼠胃肠道上皮细胞或内皮细胞中的前凋亡基因Bax和Bak1基因病不能保护小鼠在部分身体gamma射线照射后免于法阵为放射性胃肠综合症。然而与之相反,选择性地沉默小鼠胃肠道上皮细胞(而不是内皮细胞)中的p53基因,将导致小鼠对射线照射更为敏感,更易发展为GI综合症。而在转基因小鼠中高度表达p53基因将有助小鼠抵抗射线的辐射,避免发生GI综合症。



Science December 17, 2009 DOI: 10.1126/science.1166202

p53 Controls Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome in Mice Independent of Apoptosis

David G. Kirsch,1,2,3, Philip M. Santiago,1 Emmanuelle di Tomasso,2 Julie M. Sullivan,3 Wu-Shiun Hou,1,Talya Dayton,1 Laura B. Jeffords,3 Pooja Sodha,1 Kim Mercer,1 Rhianna Cohen,1 Osamu Takeuchi,4 Stanley J. Korsmeyer,4,* Roderick Bronson,5 Carla F. Kim,1 Kevin M. Haigis,1,? Rakesh K. Jain,2 Tyler Jacks1,6,

Acute exposure to ionizing radiation can cause lethal damage to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, a condition called the GI syndrome. Whether the target cells mediating the GI syndrome are derived from the epithelium or endothelium, and whether the target cells die by apoptosis or other mechanisms, are controversial issues. Studying mouse models, we found that selective deletion of the proapoptotic genes Bak1 and Bax from the GI epithelium or from endothelial cells did not protect mice from developing the GI syndrome after subtotal body gamma irradiation. In contrast, selective deletion of p53 from the GI epithelium, but not endothelial cells, sensitized irradiated mice to the GI syndrome. Transgenic mice overexpressing p53 in all tissues were protected from the GI syndrome after irradiation. These results suggest that the GI syndrome is caused by death of GI epithelial cells and that these epithelial cells die by a mechanism that is regulated by p53 but independent of apoptosis.

1 David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

2 Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02114, USA.

3 Departments of Radiation Oncology and Pharmacology " Cancer Biology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27708, USA.

4 Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA 02115, USA.

5 Tufts University School of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, North Grafton, MA 05136, USA.

6 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, USA.
