发表在最新一期《自然—遗传学》(Nature Genetics)杂志上的研究报告称,由英国利兹大学及巴黎、罗马等地的遗传学家组成的国际研究小组,通过对畸形儿童及有此疾病家族史的人的DNA进行分析,确认一种以前从未认知的TMEM216基因变异可导致婴儿患上美—格二氏综合征和Joubert综合征。研究人员发现,该致病基因会导致细胞的纤毛无法对信息进行甄别和回复,从而妨碍胎儿神经索的正常发育,导致胎儿大脑发育异常,而受此影响的胎儿会出现眼睛畸形、多一个手指或脚趾、脊柱裂或多肾囊等发育异常状况。
Mutations in TMEM216 perturb ciliogenesis and cause Joubert, Meckel and related syndromes
Nature Genetics
Year published: (2010)
Received 20 November 2009 Accepted 26 April 2010 Published online 30 May 2010
Joubert syndrome (JBTS), related disorders (JSRDs) and Meckel syndrome (MKS) are ciliopathies. We now report that MKS2 and CORS2 (JBTS2) loci are allelic and caused by mutations in TMEM216, which encodes an uncharacterized tetraspan transmembrane protein. Individuals with CORS2 frequently had nephronophthisis and polydactyly, and two affected individuals conformed to the oro-facio-digital type VI phenotype, whereas skeletal dysplasia was common in fetuses affected by MKS. A single G218T mutation (R73L in the protein) was identified in all cases of Ashkenazi Jewish descent (n = 10). TMEM216 localized to the base of primary cilia, and loss of TMEM216 in mutant fibroblasts or after knockdown caused defective ciliogenesis and centrosomal docking, with concomitant hyperactivation of RhoA and Dishevelled. TMEM216 formed a complex with Meckelin, which is encoded by a gene also mutated in JSRDs and MKS. Disruption of tmem216 expression in zebrafish caused gastrulation defects similar to those in other ciliary morphants. These data implicate a new family of proteins in the ciliopathies and further support allelism between ciliopathy disorders.