中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所植物基因研究中心李家洋院士课题组与中国水稻研究所钱前课题组、扬州大学顾铭洪课题组及美国堪萨斯州立大学余建明教授合作,经过长达7年的研究,为解决这一重要问题取得了突破性进展。相关结果发表在权威期刊美国《国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA)上。
Allelic diversities in rice starch biosynthesis lead to a diverse array of rice eating and cooking qualities
Zhixi Tiana,1,2, Qian Qianb,1, Qiaoquan Liuc,1, Meixian Yanb, Xinfang Liua, Changjie Yanc, Guifu Liua, Zhenyu Gaob, Shuzhu Tangc, Dali Zengb, Yonghong Wanga, Jianming Yud,3, Minghong Guc,3 and Jiayang Lia,3
More than half of the world's population uses rice as a source of carbon intake every day. Improving grain quality is thus essential to rice consumers. The three main properties that determine rice eating and cooking quality―amylose content, gel consistency, and gelatinization temperature―correlate with one another, but the underlying mechanism of these properties remains unclear. Through an association analysis approach, we found that genes related to starch synthesis cooperate with each other to form a fine regulating network that controls the eating and cooking quality and defines the correlation among these three properties. Genetic transformation results verified the association findings and also suggested the possibility of developing elite cultivars through modification with selected major and/or minor starch synthesis-related genes.