2010年10月22日,北京生命科学研究所高绍荣实验室在Journal of Biological Chemistry 杂志发表题为“Novel importin-alpha family member Kpna7 is required for normal fertility and fecundity in the mouse”的文章。该文章报道了核转运蛋白家族中的一个新成员KPNA7在小鼠胚胎早、中期发育的功能。
从卵到胚胎的转化过程中,人们一直不知道众多核因子是通过已经发现的核转运系统家族成员介导入核还是由特异的组织特异性和时间特异性表达的核转运蛋白介导入核。大规模基因组测序的完成和基因表达谱的测定使得发现新的核转运蛋白家族成员提供了更多机会。通过对小鼠卵母细胞和受精卵基因表达谱的分析,高绍荣研究小组发现并鉴定了一个新的入核转运蛋白家族新成员:KPNA7。KPNA7 主要在卵母细胞和受精卵中高水平表达。受精卵分裂为2-细胞胚胎之后,KPNA7表达水平急剧下降。特异抗体染色显示,KPNA7蛋白主要定位于细胞核或有丝分裂中期纺锤体。为了确定KPNA7在小鼠生殖和发育过程中是否扮演着重要角色,高绍荣小组制备了Kpna7基因的基因敲除小鼠。体内实验发现,Kpna7基因敲除之后,雌性小鼠繁殖力明显下降,同时伴随着子代小鼠性别比例失衡。这些研究结果表明,作为入核转运蛋白家族的一个新成员,KPNA7蛋白对于小鼠维持繁殖力是必须的。进一步的体外研究发现,雌性Kpna7敲除小鼠的卵母细胞存在明显缺陷。雌性Kpna7敲除小鼠分离的卵母细胞经过孤雌活化之后,其细胞周期失控而明显加快,但最终在体外培养环境下,不能像正常对照组一样,发育到囊胚期。RT-PCR分析发现, Kpna7基因敲除导致Dppa2、Dppa4和Piwil2等多个转录因子表达异常下调,而Hdac3表达异常上调。 表观遗传学分析发现,Kpna7基因敲除引起三甲基化组蛋白H3K27me3的修饰水平明显下调。生物化学实验表明,KPNA7与KPNB1具有很强的结合,从而提示KPNA7通过与KPNB1共同介导由卵到胚胎转化过程中的重要核因子的入核。
JBC doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.117044
The novel importin-alpha family member KPNA7, is required for normal fertility and fecundity in the mouse
Jianjun Hu, Fengchao Wang, Ye Yuan, Xiaoquan Zhu, Yixuan Wang, Yu Zhang, Zhaohui Kou, Shufang Wang and Shaorong Gao*
National Institute of Biological Sciences, China
Nuclear importing system and nuclear factors play important roles in mediating nuclear reprogramming and zygotic gene activation(ZGA). However, the components and mechanisms that mediate nuclear-specific targeting of the nuclear proteins during nuclear reprogramming and ZGA remain largely unknown. Here we identified a novel member of the importin-alpha family, AW146299(Kpna7), which is predominantly expressed in mouse oocytes and zygotes and localizes to the nucleus or spindle. Mutation of Kpna7 gene caused reproductivity reduction and sex imbalance by inducing preferential fetal lethality in females. Parthenogenesis analysis showed that cell cycle of activated one-cell embryos is loss of control and ahead of schedule, but finally failed to develop into blastocyst stage. Further RT-PCR and epigenetic modification analysis showed that knocking out of Kpna7 induced abnormalities of gene expression (Dppa2, Dppa4 and Piwil2) and epigenetic modifications (down-regulation of histone H3K27me3). Biochemical analysis showed that KPNA7 interacts with KPNB1 (importin-beta1). In summary, we identified a novel Kpna7 gene that is required for normal fertility and fecundity.