据莱斯特大学遗传学系教授Sir Alec Jeffreys的一项最新研究,驱使人类进化和多样性的一个关键因子能够解释人类不同代之间的差异。此外,Sir Alec Jeffreys教授也是DNA指纹的发现者。
而据在9月5日Nature Genetics杂志上的一篇文章,Sir Alec和他的研究团队又获得了另一项重要发现,一特殊基因对人类多样性的发生具有显着影响。
Sir Alec介绍说:"我们每一代的遗传组成都是进行重组得来的。刚开始的时候是打乱的,这就像遗传学的卡片包裹,然后通过重组过程进行结合,可以说这是导致多样性最重要也是最基础的"引擎"。我们在过去10年间所做的工作就是理解人类重组的重要原因,并对进行重组热点(recombination hotspots)进行分子层面的定义。"
Sir Alec认为这项研究成果结合该领域的其他工作势必能使科学家了解我们个体遗传特异性的根源。同样还可以定义一个全新的遗传风险因子类别,为大量由于DNA重组错误导致的疾病研究提供线索。
Nature Genetics doi:10.1038/ng.658
PRDM9 variation strongly influences recombination hot-spot activity and meiotic instability in humans
Ingrid L Berg1, Rita Neumann1, Kwan-Wood G Lam1, Shriparna Sarbajna1, Linda Odenthal-Hesse1, Celia A May1 " Alec J Jeffreys1
PRDM9 has recently been identified as a likely trans regulator of meiotic recombination hot spots in humans and mice1, 2, 3. PRDM9 contains a zinc finger array that, in humans, can recognize a short sequence motif associated with hot spots4, with binding to this motif possibly triggering hot-spot activity via chromatin remodeling5. We now report that human genetic variation at the PRDM9 locus has a strong effect on sperm hot-spot activity, even at hot spots lacking the sequence motif. Subtle changes within the zinc finger array can create hot-spot nonactivating or enhancing variants and can even trigger the appearance of a new hot spot, suggesting that PRDM9 is a major global regulator of hot spots in humans. Variation at the PRDM9 locus also influences aspects of genome instability―specifically, a megabase-scale rearrangement underlying two genomic disorders6 as well as minisatellite instability7―implicating PRDM9 as a risk factor for some pathological genome rearrangements.