据新华网报道,荷兰鹿特丹埃拉斯默斯医疗中心发布新闻公报说,研究人员发现一种特殊蛋白质,可用于治疗遗传性贫血症。该研究发布于8月1日的著名学术杂志Nature Genetics上。
Nature Genetics doi:10.1038/ng.637
KLF1 regulates BCL11A expression and γ- to β-globin gene switching
Dewang Zhou1, Kaimao Liu1, Chiao-Wang Sun1, Kevin M Pawlik1 " Tim M Townes1
We show that knockdown of KLF1 in human and mouse adult erythroid progenitors markedly reduces BCL11A levels and increases human γ-globin/β-globin expression ratios. These results suggest that KLF1 controls globin gene switching by directly activating β-globin and indirectly repressing γ-globin gene expression. Controlled knockdown of KLF1 in adult erythroid progenitors may provide a method to activate fetal hemoglobin expression in individuals with β-thalassemia or sickle cell disease.