那么这些新形成的神经元是从什么分化而来呢?研究人员猜测可能来自于视网膜的一种Müller glia细胞,这种猜测随后在另一名研究人员的实验中得到证实。
在这项新的研究中,研究人员Zhao Qin想找出促使Müller glia细胞再生原因。Qin仔细研究了斑马鱼受损并再生的视网膜中Müller glia细胞基因表达的模式,并以未受损的斑马鱼为对照。她发现两组斑马鱼比较,一共有953个基因的表达模式发生变化,其中有两个基因hspd1和mps1尤其值得关注,这两个基因也参与到斑马鱼鳍的再生和心脏的再生。
PNAS May 27, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0811186106
Genetic evidence for shared mechanisms of epimorphic regeneration in zebrafish
Zhao Qin, Linda K. Barthel and Pamela A. Raymond,1
1 Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 830 North University, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048
In a microarray-based gene profiling analysis of Müller glia-derived retinal stem cells in light-damaged retinas from adult zebrafish, we found that 2 genes required for regeneration of fin and heart tissues in zebrafish, hspd1 (heat shock 60-kDa protein 1) and mps1 (monopolar spindle 1), were up-regulated. Expression of both genes in the neurogenic Müller glia and progenitors was independently verified by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR and in situ hybridization. Functional analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants of hspd1 and mps1 revealed that both are necessary for Müller glia-based cone photoreceptor regeneration in adult zebrafish retina. In the amputated fin, hspd1 is required for the induction of mesenchymal stem cells and blastema formation, whereas mps1 is required at a later step for rapid cell proliferation and outgrowth. This temporal sequence of hspd1 and mps1 function is conserved in the regenerating retina. Comparison of gene expression profiles from regenerating zebrafish retina, caudal fin, and heart muscle revealed additional candidate genes potentially implicated in injury-induced epimorphic regeneration in diverse zebrafish tissues.