由斯坦福大学医学院(Stanford Medical School)的詹姆斯魏曼(James Weimann)博士领导的这支神经科学家组成的小组,在这项研究中将目光集中在大脑皮层内传送信息的细胞上,其中一些细胞负责对肌肉的控制。患有脊髓损伤和肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)的动物个体将会导致这些脑细胞损伤或者丢失。魏曼表示:“实验证实,这些由干细胞培育出来的脑细胞能够长出联连大脑皮层和脊髓的神经纤维。”
虽然没有参与这项研究,但是干细胞生物学领域专家马亨德拉(Mahendra Rao)对研究成果进行了肯定,他表示:“该研究证实了移植的脑细胞可以在年幼动物中进行联接。”研究人员还将用于培训可移植细胞的两种方法进行了比对,但是仅有其中一种方法达到了预期的效果。马亨德拉说:“研究人员获得了一种如何培育出合适移植脑细胞的方法,这为让这些细胞发挥实际应用迈出了一大步。
The Journal of Neuroscience, January 20, 2010, 30(3):894-904; doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4318-09.2010
Murine Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Pyramidal Neurons Integrate into the Cerebral Cortex and Appropriately Project Axons to Subcortical Targets
Makoto Ideguchi,1 Theo D. Palmer,2 Lawrence D. Recht,1 and James M. Weimann1
1Departments of Neurology and 2Neurosurgery, Stanford Medical School, Stanford, California 94305
Although embryonic stem (ES) cells have been induced to differentiate into diverse neuronal cell types, the production of cortical projection neurons with the correct morphology and axonal connectivity has not been demonstrated. Here, we show that in vitro patterning is critical for generating neural precursor cells (ES-NPCs) competent to form cortical pyramidal neurons. During the first week of neural induction, these ES-NPCs begin to express genes that are specific for forebrain progenitors; an additional week of differentiation produces mature neurons with many features of cortical pyramidal neurons. After transplantation into the murine cerebral cortex, these specified ES-NPCs manifest the correct dendritic and axonal connectivity for their areal location. ES-NPCs transplanted into the deep layers of the motor cortex differentiate into layer 5 pyramidal neurons and extend axons to distant subcortical targets such as the pons and as far caudal as the pyramidal decussation and descending spinal tract and, importantly, do not extend axons to inappropriate targets such as the superior colliculus (SC). ES-NPCs transplanted into the visual cortex extend axons to the dorsal aspect of the SC and pons but avoid ventral SC and the pyramidal tract, whereas cells transplanted deep into the somatosensory cortex project axons to the ventral SC, avoiding the dorsal SC. Thus, these data establish that ES-derived cortical projection neurons can integrate into anatomically relevant circuits.