英国牛津大学神经学家罗伊-科恩-卡杜什(Roi Cohen Kadosh)说:“我并不是鼓励人们去进行电击实验,毕竟这种方式比较危险,但我们的最新研究成果是非常令人欣喜的!”他指出,这项最新研究表明我们可以临时性地诱导刺激人们的数学能力,经过温和式的电击大脑,他们的数学计算和应用有了显着提高。电击实验并不能将你塑造成为爱因斯坦,但如果该实验成功的话,它将能够帮助人们更好地学习和应用数学。
Current Biology DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2010.10.007
Modulating Neuronal Activity Produces Specific and Long-Lasting Changes in Numerical Competence
Roi Cohen Kadosh, Sonja Soskic, Teresa Iuculano, Ryota Kanai, Vincent Walsh
Around 20% of the population exhibits moderate to severe numerical disabilities [1,2,3], and a further percentage loses its numerical competence during the lifespan as a result of stroke or degenerative diseases [4]. In this work, we investigated the feasibility of using noninvasive stimulation to the parietal lobe during numerical learning to selectively improve numerical abilities. We used transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS), a method that can selectively inhibit or excitate neuronal populations by modulating GABAergic (anodal stimulation) and glutamatergic (cathodal stimulation) activity [5,6]. We trained subjects for 6 days with artificial numerical symbols, during which we applied concurrent TDCS to the parietal lobes. The polarity of the brain stimulation specifically enhanced or impaired the acquisition of automatic number processing and the mapping of number into space, both important indices of numerical proficiency [7,8,9]. The improvement was still present 6 months after the training. Control tasks revealed that the effect of brain stimulation was specific to the representation of artificial numerical symbols. The specificity and longevity of TDCS on numerical abilities establishes TDCS as a realistic tool for intervention in cases of atypical numerical development or loss of numerical abilities because of stroke or degenerative illnesses.