
2010-09-09 00:00 · Ernest

一个国际小组最新研究发现,人们在深思熟虑或不假思索这两种决策模式中的转换能力,取决于大脑中两个区域的神经连接强度。 研究人员在美国《国家科学院学报》上报告说,在需要作出决定时,有人可以在不假思索和深思熟虑两种决策模式中依据不同条件快速转换,而有的人却总是感到左右为难。科学家们此








PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1004932107

Cortico-striatal connections predict control over speed and accuracy in perceptual decision making

Birte U. Forstmanna,1, Alfred Anwanderb, Andreas Sch?ferb, Jane Neumannb, Scott Brownc, Eric-Jan Wagenmakersa, Rafal Bogaczd, and Robert Turnerb

aDepartment of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

bMax Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 04103 Leipzig, Germany;

cSchool of Psychology, University of Newcastle, 2308 Newcastle, Australia; and

dDepartment of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UB, United Kingdom

When people make decisions they often face opposing demands for response speed and response accuracy, a process likely mediated by response thresholds. According to the striatal hypothesis, people decrease response thresholds by increasing activation from cortex to striatum, releasing the brain from inhibition. According to the STN hypothesis, people decrease response thresholds by decreasing activation from cortex to subthalamic nucleus (STN); a decrease in STN activity is likewise thought to release the brain from inhibition and result in responses that are fast but error-prone. To test these hypotheses―both of which may be true―we conducted two experiments on perceptual decision making in which we used cues to vary the demands for speed vs. accuracy. In both experiments, behavioral data and mathematical model analyses confirmed that instruction from the cue selectively affected the setting of response thresholds. In the first experiment we used ultra-high-resolution 7T structural MRI to locate the STN precisely. We then used 3T structural MRI and probabilistic tractography to quantify the connectivity between the relevant brain areas. The results showed that participants who flexibly change response thresholds (as quantified by the mathematical model) have strong structural connections between presupplementary motor area and striatum. This result was confirmed in an independent second experiment. In general, these findings show that individual differences in elementary cognitive tasks are partly driven by structural differences in brain connectivity. Specifically, these findings support a cortico-striatal control account of how the brain implements adaptive switches between cautious and risky behavior.
