生物谷Bioon.com 讯 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习研究所Gui Xue(第一作者)等研究人员最新研究结果发表于Science上。该结果证明记忆力在相同的神经性表现被再次激活时(而不是在激活模式显得不同的时候)会更容易地保留在一个人的头脑中。这一发现为心理学界的一个长期存在的争论提供了答案。
当人在研究某东西或试图将其铭记住的时候,他们会产生不同的神经活动模式。 如今,研究人员说,在这一记忆编码时期的类似的神经活动模式实际上表明该个人在以后某个日子会有较大的可能性回想起该段记忆。 研究人员说,那些看来不相同的神经活动模式被人们记住的可能性不大。 为了做出这一发现,Gui Xue及其同事用功能性核磁共振成像(fMRI)对健康志愿者的脑进行了监控,在监控的时候,这些志愿者正在从事一组实验。 例如,在某个试验中,这些志愿者试图记住120个不同的人脸,其中每张脸会在4个不同的时间被展示给他们看。1小时后,研究人员向这些志愿者展示了240张脸,其中有一半是他们已经看到过的,有一半则是新的面孔。研究人员让这些志愿者找出哪些面孔是他们过去曾经见到过的。>
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1193125
Greater Neural Pattern Similarity Across Repetitions Is Associated with Better Memory
Gui Xue,1,2 Qi Dong,1,* Chuansheng Chen,3 Zhonglin Lu,2 Jeanette A. Mumford,4 Russell A. Poldrack5,4,6,*
Repeated study improves memory, but the underlying neural mechanisms of this improvement are not well understood. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging and representational similarity analysis of brain activity, we found that, compared with forgotten items, subsequently remembered faces and words showed greater similarity in neural activation across multiple study in many brain regions, including (but not limited to) the regions whose mean activities were correlated with subsequent memory. This result addresses a longstanding debate in the study of memory by showing that successful episodic memory encoding occurs when the same neural representations are more precisely reactivated across study episodes, rather than when patterns of activation are more variable across time.
1 State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China.
2 Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA.
3 Department of Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA.
4 Departments of Psychology, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759, USA.
5 Imaging Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759, USA.
6 Departments of Neurobiology, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759, USA