近日,国际著名学术期刊《当代生物学》(Current Biology)以专题论文(featured article)形式发表了中国科大合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室和生命科学学院周逸峰研究组与美国南加州大学吕忠林教授的合作研究成果。该研究揭示知觉学习可以引起初级视皮层细胞相应反应特性的改变。
Current Biology DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2010.03.066
Perceptual Learning Improves Contrast Sensitivity of V1 Neurons in Cats
Tianmiao Hua, Pinglei Bao, Chang-Bing Huang, Zhenhua Wang, Jinwang Xu, Yifeng Zhou, Zhong-Lin Lu
Perceptual learning has been documented in adult humans over a wide range of tasks. Although the often-observed specificity of learning is generally interpreted as evidence for training-induced plasticity in early cortical areas, physiological evidence for training-induced changes in early visual cortical areas is modest, despite reports of learning-induced changes of cortical activities in fMRI studies. To reveal the physiological bases of perceptual learning, we combined psychophysical measurements with extracellular single-unit recording under anesthetized preparations and examined the effects of training in grating orientation identification on both perceptual and neuronal contrast sensitivity functions of cats.
We have found that training significantly improved perceptual contrast sensitivity of the cats to gratings with spatial frequencies near the trained spatial frequency, with stronger effects in the trained eye. Consistent with behavioral assessments, the mean contrast sensitivity of neurons recorded from V1 of the trained cats was significantly higher than that of neurons recorded from the untrained cats. Furthermore, in the trained cats, the contrast sensitivity of V1 neurons responding preferentially to stimuli presented via the trained eyes was significantly greater than that of neurons responding preferentially to stimuli presented via the untrained eyes. The effect was confined to the trained spatial frequencies. In both trained and untrained cats, the neuronal contrast sensitivity functions derived from the contrast sensitivity of the individual neurons were highly correlated with behaviorally determined perceptual contrast sensitivity functions.
We suggest that training-induced neuronal contrast gain in area V1 underlies behaviorally determined perceptual contrast sensitivity improvements.