该种行为是利他主义(即个人以付出自身的代价的行为造福于团体成员)与地方主义(即对其他团体的敌视性行为)的结合。 比方说,一名保家卫国的士兵在冒着危险的情况下与敌人战斗就是一种地方性利他主义。 地方性利他主义在人类的社会行为进化的解释中占有重要的比例,其中包括达尔文自己的解释。 Carsten De Dreu及其在荷兰的同僚对地方性利他主义是否有脑部催产素的生物学基础进行了调查。在三项全部都为男性志愿者的实验中,他们比较了那些通过喷鼻方式接受了某一剂量的催产素的个人与那些接受的是某种安慰剂的个人所做的选择进行了比较。 这些志愿者接着被分配到三人为一组的小组中,实验人员向他们介绍一种游戏:在这种游戏中,志愿者会做出对他们自己、小组的其他成员以及对手小组的财物状况有影响的机密决定。
结果表明,催产素会激发一种“照管与防卫”反应、促进小组内的信任、合作和防御,但对竞争对手小组则不会出现进攻性侵略。 无论人们在自然的情况下是多么的合作,该激素看来都具有这种效应。
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1189047
The Neuropeptide Oxytocin Regulates Parochial Altruism in Intergroup Conflict Among Humans
Carsten K. W. De Dreu,1,* Lindred L. Greer,1 Michel J. J. Handgraaf,1 Shaul Shalvi,1 Gerben A. Van Kleef,1 Matthijs Baas,1 Femke S. Ten Velden,1 Eric Van Dijk,2 Sander W. W. Feith3
Humans regulate intergroup conflict through parochial altruism; they self-sacrifice to contribute to in-group welfare and to aggress against competing out-groups. Parochial altruism has distinct survival functions, and the brain may have evolved to sustain and promote in-group cohesion and effectiveness and to ward off threatening out-groups. Here, we have linked oxytocin, a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus, to the regulation of intergroup conflict. In three experiments using double-blind placebo-controlled designs, male participants self-administered oxytocin or placebo and made decisions with financial consequences to themselves, their in-group, and a competing out-group. Results showed that oxytocin drives a "tend and defend" response in that it promoted in-group trust and cooperation, and defensive, but not offensive, aggression toward competing out-groups.
1 Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2 Department of Psychology, Leiden University, Postbox 9555, 2300 RB, Netherlands.
3 Stichting AllesKits, Cypruslaan 410, 3059 XA Rotterdam, Netherlands.