
2010-06-17 00:00 · tess

专题:Science系列 洛克菲勒大学的科学家已经识别出一种叫Norbin的蛋白。该蛋白能够增强大脑中某一参与大脑细胞信号传递的受体的信号强度,或能成为精神分裂症或帕金森氏症新的治疗靶标。Norbin蛋白能直接作用于神经递质素谷氨酸(glutamate)的一种受体,其中谷氨酸是





"调控GPCR功能的蛋白质和受体是同样重要的,因为它是一种新的治疗靶标。"研究人员Marc Flajolet介绍说。







Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1178496

Norbin Is an Endogenous Regulator of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 Signaling

Hong Wang,1 Linda Westin,2 Yi Nong,1 Shari Birnbaum,3 Jacob Bendor,1 Hjalmar Brismar,2,4 Eric Nestler,5 Anita Aperia,2 Marc Flajolet,1,* Paul Greengard1

Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) is highly expressed in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). It is involved in multiple physiological functions and is a target for treatment of various CNS disorders, including schizophrenia. We report that Norbin, a neuron-specific protein, physically interacts with mGluR5 in vivo, increases the cell surface localization of the receptor, and positively regulates mGluR5 signaling. Genetic deletion of Norbin attenuates mGluR5-dependent stable changes in synaptic function measured as long-term depression or long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. As with mGluR5 knockout mice or mice treated with mGluR5-selective antagonists, Norbin knockout mice showed a behavioral phenotype associated with a rodent model of schizophrenia, as indexed by alterations both in sensorimotor gating and psychotomimetic-induced locomotor activity.

1 Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065, USA.

2 Department of Woman and Child Health, Karolinska Institutet, Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital Q2:09, S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden.

3 Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390, USA.

4 Department of Applied Physics, Cell Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.

5 Fishberg Department of Neuroscience, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA.
