
2010-04-22 00:00 · ann

专题:Nature系列 据国外媒体4月21日报道,最新一项研究表明,电脑益智游戏并不能令我们思维敏捷,提高智力水平。 英国剑桥大学研究人员表示,尽管通过不断练习,我们更善于处理复杂的电脑游戏,但没有证据证明这在日常生活中会有作用。专家表示,身体健康的中年人只要多吃沙拉、经常散








Nature doi:10.1038/nature09042

Putting brain training to the test

Adrian M. Owen1, Adam Hampshire1, Jessica A. Grahn1, Robert Stenton2, Said Dajani2, Alistair S. Burns3, Robert J. Howard2 " Clive G. Ballard2

MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EF, UK

King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK

University of Manchester and Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

‘Brain training’, or the goal of improved cognitive function through the regular use of computerized tests, is a multimillion-pound industry1, yet in our view scientific evidence to support its efficacy is lacking. Modest effects have been reported in some studies of older individuals2, 3 and preschool children4, and video-game players outperform non-players on some tests of visual attention5. However, the widely held belief that commercially available computerized brain-training programs improve general cognitive function in the wider population in our opinion lacks empirical support. The central question is not whether performance on cognitive tests can be improved by training, but rather, whether those benefits transfer to other untrained tasks or lead to any general improvement in the level of cognitive functioning. Here we report the results of a six-week online study in which 11,430 participants trained several times each week on cognitive tasks designed to improve reasoning, memory, planning, visuospatial skills and attention. Although improvements were observed in every one of the cognitive tasks that were trained, no evidence was found for transfer effects to untrained tasks, even when those tasks were cognitively closely related.
