Molcular Cell:发现大脑可修改蛋白质功能

2010-03-29 00:00 · Duke








Molecular Cell 10.1016/j.molcel.2010.02.022

Postnatal Deamidation of 4E-BP2 in Brain Enhances Its Association with Raptor and Alters Kinetics of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission

Michael Bidinosti, Israeli Ran, Maria R. Sanchez-Carbente, Yvan Martineau, Anne-Claude Gingras, Christos Gkogkas, Brian Raught, Clive R. Bramham, Wayne S. Sossin, Mauro Costa-Mattioli, Luc DesGroseillers, Jean-Claude Lacaille, Nahum Sonenberg

The eIF4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs) repress translation initiation by preventing eIF4F complex formation. Of the three mammalian 4E-BPs, only 4E-BP2 is enriched in the mammalian brain and plays an important role in synaptic plasticity and learning and memory formation. Here we describe asparagine deamidation as a brain-specific posttranslational modification of 4E-BP2. Deamidation is the spontaneous conversion of asparagines to aspartates. Two deamidation sites were mapped to an asparagine-rich sequence unique to 4E-BP2. Deamidated 4E-BP2 exhibits increased binding to the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-binding protein raptor, which effects its reduced association with eIF4E. 4E-BP2 deamidation occurs during postnatal development, concomitant with the attenuation of the activity of the PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling pathway. Expression of deamidated 4E-BP2 in 4E-BP2?/? neurons yielded mEPSCs exhibiting increased charge transfer with slower rise and decay kinetics relative to the wild-type form. 4E-BP2 deamidation may represent a compensatory mechanism for the developmental reduction of PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling.
