领导这一研究的是著名华人科学家、肯塔基大学Markey癌症中心主任郭培宣(Peixuan Guo)教授。RNA纳米技术是由郭培宣首创的。借助该技术,研究人员构建出稳定的X形状的RNA纳米分子,这些被重新修饰过的RNA片段将被用于携带4个治疗和诊断模块。他们的RNA纳米分子可以包括用于基因干涉的小干扰RNA(small interfering RNA),对基因表达具有调控作用的micro-RNA,针对癌细胞的核酸适体(aptamer),或者是能催化化学反应的核糖酶。
肯塔基大学Markey癌症中心的Mark Evers博士说:“癌症治疗的一个主要问题是能够更直接更有效地将抗癌药物传递到癌症转移灶。利用郭培宣研究小组设计的纳米技术使得我们能够更有效地治疗癌转移,且相比当前的化疗具有较少的副作用。”
郭培宣被认为是世界最顶尖的三位纳米生物技术专家之一。在1987年,郭培宣等人发现了phi29噬菌体中由pRNA (packaging ribonucleic acid, 简称pRNA)驱动的纳米马达,该纳米马达的功能是包裹DNA并将DNA运送到病毒衣壳中,ATP为这种RNA马达提供能量。随后的1998年,他的小组和D. Andersen的小组同时发现马达中有六个RNA分子排列成环状,郭教授指导的团队还证明pRNA分子可以经过改造构建成二聚体、三聚体和六聚体的纳米颗粒,从而揭示了构建RNA纳米颗粒的可能性。
pRNA纳米马达是自然界中RNA分子构建的精密纳米机器,堪称自然界的杰作。相继,他们又证明,RNA纳米颗粒可作为多价载体将干扰性小核糖核酸(small interfering RNA, siRNA)和其他药物特异性地输送到被病毒感染的肿瘤细胞中,预计RNA纳米颗粒在药物输送、基因治疗和细胞干预等与人类疾病相关的领域可能具有更广阔的应用前景。RNA纳米技术在疾病治疗上的可实施性已通过phi29 pRNA治疗系统在很多方面体现出来。
Ultrastable synergistic tetravalent RNA nanoparticles for targeting to cancers
Farzin Haque, Dan Shu, Yi Shu, Luda S. Shlyakhtenko, Piotr G. Rychahou, B. Mark Evers, Peixuan Guo
One of the advantages of nanotechnology is the feasibility to construct therapeutic particles carrying multiple therapeutics with defined structure and stoichiometry. The field of RNA nanotechnology is emerging. However, controlled assembly of stable RNA nanoparticles with multiple functionalities which retain their original role is challenging due to refolding after fusion. Herein, we report the construction of thermodynamically stable X-shaped RNA nanoparticles to carry four therapeutic RNA motifs by self-assembly of reengineered small RNA fragments. We proved that each arm of the four helices in the X-motif can harbor one siRNA, ribozyme, or aptamer without affecting the folding of the central pRNA-X core, and each daughter RNA molecule within the nanoparticle folds into their respective authentic structures and retains their biological and structural function independently. Gene silencing effects were progressively enhanced as the number of the siRNA in each pRNA-X nanoparticles gradually increased from one to two, three, and four. More importantly, systemic injection of ligand-containing nanoparticles into the tail-vein of mice revealed that the RNA nanoparticles remained intact and strongly bound to cancers without entering the liver, lung or any other organs or tissues, while remaining in cancer tissue for more than 8 h.
文献链接:Ultrastable synergistic tetravalent RNA nanoparticles for targeting to cancers