JECP:儿童4岁半后脸部结构变化 可爱度消退

2012-04-03 07:00 · summers





研究人员表示,婴儿的脸部结构会在4岁半的关键时期发生变化。从人类演化观点来看,孩童在这个时期脸蛋失去儿时的稚气,是因为不再需要靠这些因素存活。日前在Journal of Experimental Child Psychology发表研究报告的珍娜-品考特亦表示,婴儿的脸部特征让人觉得柔软、让人想保护,提高了婴儿存活的可能性。


Are children’s faces really more appealing than those of adults? Testing the baby schema hypothesis beyond infancy

Li Zhu, Luo Hong Li, Kang Lee

This study examined adults’ evaluations of likeability and attractiveness of children’s faces from infancy to early childhood. We tested whether Lorenz’s baby schema hypothesis (Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie (1943), Vol. 5, pp. 235–409) is applicable not only to infant faces but also to faces of children at older ages. Adult participants were asked to evaluate children’s faces from early infancy to 6 years of age in terms of their likeability and attractiveness, and these judgments were compared with those of adult faces. It was revealed that adults judged faces of younger children as more likeable and attractive than faces of older children, which were in turn judged as more likeable and attractive than adult faces. However, after approximately 4.5 years of age, the baby schema no longer affected adults’ judgments of children’s facial likeability and attractiveness. These findings suggest that the baby schema affects adults’ judgments of not only infant faces but also young children’s faces. This influence beyond infancy is likely due to the fact that facial cranial growth is gradual during early childhood and certain crucial infantile facial cues remain readily available during this period. Future studies need to identify these specific cues to better understand why adults generally show positive responses to infantile faces and how such positive responses influence the establishment and maintenance of social relationships between young children and adults.


关键词: 结构 儿童